Sunday 27 March 2011

Refreshed Fashion Faux Pas

Claudia because Claudia with her Asian fetish thing going on combined with her renewed love of fashion has recently posted about her favourite Korean stars and what they are wearing. I would like to evaluate the same stars to be able to compare our senses of style. So here goes with random Asian Number one.

2NE1 and the guy with bear trainers
From left to right. Girl with chav hair and boring black dress. I think her head fringe is too much.To Claudia's abhorrence I'm sure, I really hate her outfit. She looks ridiculous. Is the train of her dress, another dress?!? What on earth!
Next creepy guy with kinda cool shoes. They are meant to be a statement piece I'm sure but the vinyl trousers are to creepy right beside the toy shoes, the combination of sleazy vinyl and children's toys simply screams sex offender to me. Also, why would anyone with a square head show of the corners of their face by putting up their fringe is beyond me.
Ginge head- I agree with Claudia, her tights are too thin especially seeing that she is the closest out of all of them that is a real size. I really like her multicoloured mosaic dress I just think that it doesn't work with the sleeves or the shoulders. Also her boots are gross
Ninja girl- Her make-up look like crap, but this girls outfit is awesome! I hate velour, and I'm not a can of cat suits but I love this outfit. The thing that differentiates utter catastrophe and sublime is the jacket. The rainbowesque mosaic jacket makes the entire outfit pop by matching with the velour catsuit emblazoned with coloured jewel-like splodges.
Lasty the last girl- All I can say is Yawn, She even looks too timid to try something new. I prefer boring McBlackDress more just because she tried something new-ish.

Personally here, I think that their stylist got lazy. It's all just smart casual non-sense. They look really good but they should just never stand next to one another or else we might suffocate one the concentrated blazer/tank top/brogue mixture. The best in this picture is the one on the right. I am a little put off by the sheen on his jacket but reparations for that are made by his stylin' checked trousers. Maybe I just have an affinity for them now ever since hairspray. None the less I think righty there is the best here.

 Oh dear goodness....
The one on the left is an abomination. I sincerely hope she is just a traveller at the airport, she looks lost and her outfit makes her look like a disproportionate whale.
Next in line is the girls with whore legs and a face from the grudge. Her top is however very nice paired with that denim jacket.
next is emo-terminator. Why one earth do Asian pop stars have this deep uncontrollable urge to dress all in black(and yes I'm talking to you girl in black dress from the start). it's soooo boring and safe. To be honest I wear a bit of black. But dressing all in black? really? It makes you just look like a reclusive teenager who is ashamed of their body.
Next we have the realistic girl. Both realistic in size and in style. She is by far the best. She seems natural because she's wearing black and showing a bit of skin but not too much. wearing black and showing too much skin puts you at risk of looking like a hooker quite frankly.

His glasses look like crap and his clothes clash and not in the good way. I do however love his bow tie. Similarly to Claudia, I don't understand why Dicky bows aren't very popular over here. Actually I lie... Whilst in Stratford I donned a red bow tie and I kept getting amorous looks from elderly women. to be fair I did get a lot of geriatric attention on that trip but the bow tie made it worse, so much so Kerri even noticed when she said "I think that old woman just checked you out..." *shudders* one last note. WE CAN SEE THERE IS NO GLASS IN YOUR GLASSES FAKERFACE!*becomes hypocrite*

I don't see anything special in this photo as Claudia said. No cuteness, no beauty, no charm, no life. The girl is pretty the boy is not despite Claudoo's remarks. Perhaps I can't see his appeal because he kind of reminds me of an Asian version of my cousin Andrew or maybe it's just that he looks gangly and awkward...Who knows.
Either way I really don't think he's handsome in ANY way. (And yes I know saying  this publicly will incur the wrath of Claudbag but never mind that for now.)

OK, Here we have a band called DBSK and for once I perfectly agree with Claudia on almost everything. The vajazzled waistcoat sucks and the middle guy looks epic. The guy on the right looks like a flasher to be perfectly honest, whilst the 2nd guy in the shiny jacket would look really suave if it weren't for the beige. Unlike Claudia I do not have a bizarre disdain for beige I actually rather like it in all it's glorious boredom but it really doesn't work here. the other beige guy looks rather well but I cannot think of another guy in existence that could pull of that thing he's wearing.

NO NO NO! The Perfect bow tie here is tainted by the hideous checked shirt. Trust me...I know checked shirts.

Guy on the right??? FLASHER/DRUIDIC ROBE!!!!
Guy on the left??? Awesome! His boots confuse me but other than that I can say that whoever put this together knows style!

This guy's suit looks pretty cool. Shame on the photographer...WHY IS HE ON A BIKE! Is he late for a hairdressing appointment? Like 7 years late! Seriously this guy looks ridiculous with that hair! His outfit is pretty good except maybe for the bright orange tank top. It's a bit too much.

I don't like this. The hat is awesome, not just saying that either Claudia but the coat spoils the entire look.

Girl on the left- AWWWWWWWWESOME! Her jacket is epic bordering on divine. It looks to stylish and elegant I absolutely love it.

2nd from the left- To be honest she looks like she's come straight off the Asian doll production line. I thought she was wearing tights until I saw her face.

The 3rd from the left- Really? She looks like a trampy girl going on a drinking binge that unfortunately was genetically fused to a purple ape or else has a rare genetic condition wherein she must where completely out of place things or else she will die.

Last girl- She looks OK. The gilded shoulders are a bit much but other than that she's...OK nothing more nothing less.

This one only made it into Claudia's post because of her Asian love. They are all wearing formal gear and nothing special here except a few different kinds of ties. Personally I think there should be a bow tie somewhere here!

He may not be handsome but those cuffs are really awesome! I understand the difficulties that accompany trying to stand out in a suit so I applaud him for attempting to bring something new to the table. Other than that....he's just wearing a suit.

That is the conclusion to MY view on these stars. Hope you enjoyed it, except for Claudia, who is probably raging right now but sure!

Love James