Sunday 20 February 2011

2nd set!

If you haven't noticed I like to do things in 3's. For once that wasn't an innuendo... Soooo Simply because she has mentioned me, I shall put Aimee J into this set to make THREE! Huzzah.
So we shall begin.

1.You ARE a fashionista.

2.I challenge you to right the first page of your novel and let me read it. It will be romance. Tell it how it really is.

3.Black- It goes with everything in fashion and you go with everyone in life. You can get on well with and befriend everyone.
 4.I love seeing your outfits, I may not love some but I love seeing your versatility in the wardrobe. It's all about experimenting.

5.Well you were in my class, so I don't really have a first memory of you, just that you have always been there. I do remember that I disliked you and Elizabeth. Oh how times have changed.

6.A Lioness- Not at fearsome as everyone thinks but you can protect yourself very well in a pinch. Also, Lionesses have a wariness of the males of their species.

7.What is your secret dream job?

1.You have improved as a speaker sooo much. You no longer sound like you're crying.

2.I challenge you to Wear A HOODIE! Assuming you own one?

3.Royal blue- Maybe because of the Mrs peacock thing?
4. I like that you have a different way of thinking. You can guarantee that whatever answer in the textbook there is, Elizabeth has gotten it but by her own different method.

5.Same as Kerri's really, I don't have a distinct first memory. I might have one though...All I shall say is walking stick. P.S you have kept your walking stick appearance.

6.A giraffe. They are yellow. They are kind and gentle. Also they are different, instead of climbing the tree, to bring the food to their mouths, they are tall and thin (like you) enough to have the food always in reach. They have different concepts.


1.I have always thought you would make a great politician if only you could get rid of a certain hued filamentous to speak.

2. I challenge you to pick a hair colour not on the list you have on your blog poll.

3.An Explosive orange no less.
4.I like your style. You are a great experimenter in fashion and I admire you for it. I have never seen anyone pull of braces (the clothing kind) before, also i have never seen someone wear a cardigan all day in school and never get shouted at.

5.I remember you in Sunday school, I also recall thinking that your name was actually Annie...

6.A fox, They natural ginges too, they can be clever when they want to be and they are loved by many people.

7.How long will it be before you return your formal dress?

Thursday 17 February 2011

I got back to y'all!

Meme response time!

1. I've always thought you'd look good with your hair up, no doubt in some form of creative, awesome Mayjay style.

2.I challenge you to draw an Ursula picture for me!

3. Dark Purple.
                                                                  Something like this.

4. I like/love your unique mind and hobbies. I may not share your hobbies but I admire you for having different hobbies.

5. You sitting at the side of Mrs Annetts form class, no one spoke to you and I thought you were a loser. Sorry but it's true. Take note I said THOUGHT. I definately don't think that anymore!

6. I see you as an all knowing cat. You sit and watch everyone in a "I know everything" manner AKA. Supersmugness.

7.Where exactly DO you shop for clothes?

1.Every morning as soon as you sit down in form class. You get this bewildered look on your face like you've forgotten something or forgotten where you and and look round and re-adjust yourself in your chair.

2.I challenge you to write a short story based on Brenda the Cat.

3. A peacock-y blue/green.

4. Your randomness and your earrings. Simple as that.

5.Hearing that you read the dictionary in first year and then hearing the girls in 8.2 point at you at lunch and murmuring "Is that her???"

6.A colourful Hedgehog. Because they're tough, unusual and peculiar.

7. Where is this so-called Birthday present woman!


1. Out of all of my friends. You're the one that I have most faith in that you'll fulfil your dreams.

2. I challenge you to get a really different and 100% Unique formal dress. I don't care if it has to be hand-made by orphaned spiders or not!

3. An elegant Purple.

4. Your Complete uniqueness. Sense of style, and your bottomless confidence (even though you're apparently quietly confident)

5.To be honest I don't really remember. I think it was actually seeing pictures of you at a sleepover...maybe?

6.A flamingo. One of the most stylish and colourful birds without being a big cheesy parrot.

7.How do you plan on deciding what clothes to bring to stratford?!?

That's all y'all!

Wednesday 16 February 2011

You know the drill....

1. Respond with something random about you

2. Challenge you to try something

3. Pick a color that I associate with you

4. Tell you something I like about you

5. Tell you my first/clearest memory of you

6. Tell you what animal you remind me of

7. Ask you something I've always wanted to ask you

8. If I do this for you, you must post this on yours

Simply leave a comment below, any comment and I'll complete this about you.

Friday 11 February 2011

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens

A Small List of My Favourite Things!

Drinking tea or coffee and having a chat
Thai sweet chili crisps with a glass of milk
Pint glass of milk with a couple of ice cubes in it
Getting from on end of my hall to the other by only stepping on certain parts of the carpet
Large group get together followed by a small group chat as things die down
Using new products as I've mentioned before
Random sentimental things that I can keep forever
Having arguments with myself and winning
SUF- Sudden unannounced fun- whether it's a random trip or a visitor
Getting an idea and following it through until the end
Lucky things happening (these happen very frequently)
When the song I'm listening to just finishes as I reach the common room in the morning
Doing my homework for the first time on the first day the teacher actually checks it
Being naturally talented at something I'm trying for the first time (Eg all kinds of sports!)
Things going exactly to plan
Things not going to plan and turning out even better
When I not around mean people who throw Frisbees into the sea.
Forgetting about something I'm really excited about and remembering about it again
Getting some extracurricular work done for school i.e. working at home without being told
Random urges to clean my room and then it being really clean
The way your hair is softer when you wash it after it hasn't been washed in a few days
Remembering things that otherwise would've been forever forgotten
Being on an inside joke
Being better than some people at some things
When I could be bothered blogging
When I host a good evening
Getting up before my alarm
Doing something psychic-y, Like predicting university offers
Finding a subject that I like and understand in school
The weekend arriving just in time to prevent a mass murder
Talking to my friends parents sometimes
Being right
Doing something awesome or impressive
Being different and people knowing that and being OK with it
Foggy days
Going somewhere I've never been
Discovering something new about something old.(eg Finding a new pocket in your jeans)
Hearing old peoples stories
Staring at fire
Sleeping in a storm
Sleeping with the blinds open and being awakened by the sunrise
Being a comfortable temperature
Finding new music that I like
Being reminded of an old memory
Seeing a special time (21:21 or 21:12 or 1:58 or 12:51 or 12:34)
Being complimented on some hard work eg Ursula-even if it's not that fantastic
Going on a trip with someone even if it's just to Asda
Watching a program that makes you laugh even if it is Question Time
Getting on really well with someone I've just met
Doing something unique
Making cities out of blue tak or play do or geomag etc.
Doing creative things for no real reason including Making Claudolls
Not owing anyone any money

Well I could think of more but I'm bored now and I'm gonig to go play Sims 3.

Farewell my prettees!
Love James

Thursday 3 February 2011


It's hard to think like a boggart and say what it's form would be exactly. However I'll just have to guess.

My Boggart would probably by my own headstone with nothing written on it.

Kind of random but still. I'll let you figure out what it means. it's kind of obvious. Also, it's not the fear of death. Just so you know. You can post your interpretation below if you'd like.

Love James

Wednesday 2 February 2011


I have been challenged by The Jay of May! Well, MayJay. Challenge accepted.

My Boggart experience.
James creeps towards the shaking wardrobe with his 12.5" Yew,Dragon Heartstring Wand
*Find Out your wand here*

 The wardrobe bursts open to reveal........

I want at least 3 guesses to what this is. Before I post my biggest fear.

Love James