Thursday 17 February 2011

I got back to y'all!

Meme response time!

1. I've always thought you'd look good with your hair up, no doubt in some form of creative, awesome Mayjay style.

2.I challenge you to draw an Ursula picture for me!

3. Dark Purple.
                                                                  Something like this.

4. I like/love your unique mind and hobbies. I may not share your hobbies but I admire you for having different hobbies.

5. You sitting at the side of Mrs Annetts form class, no one spoke to you and I thought you were a loser. Sorry but it's true. Take note I said THOUGHT. I definately don't think that anymore!

6. I see you as an all knowing cat. You sit and watch everyone in a "I know everything" manner AKA. Supersmugness.

7.Where exactly DO you shop for clothes?

1.Every morning as soon as you sit down in form class. You get this bewildered look on your face like you've forgotten something or forgotten where you and and look round and re-adjust yourself in your chair.

2.I challenge you to write a short story based on Brenda the Cat.

3. A peacock-y blue/green.

4. Your randomness and your earrings. Simple as that.

5.Hearing that you read the dictionary in first year and then hearing the girls in 8.2 point at you at lunch and murmuring "Is that her???"

6.A colourful Hedgehog. Because they're tough, unusual and peculiar.

7. Where is this so-called Birthday present woman!


1. Out of all of my friends. You're the one that I have most faith in that you'll fulfil your dreams.

2. I challenge you to get a really different and 100% Unique formal dress. I don't care if it has to be hand-made by orphaned spiders or not!

3. An elegant Purple.

4. Your Complete uniqueness. Sense of style, and your bottomless confidence (even though you're apparently quietly confident)

5.To be honest I don't really remember. I think it was actually seeing pictures of you at a sleepover...maybe?

6.A flamingo. One of the most stylish and colourful birds without being a big cheesy parrot.

7.How do you plan on deciding what clothes to bring to stratford?!?

That's all y'all!