Tuesday 25 January 2011

Magic 3's

3 Things that not many people know:

*I didn't look in the mirror for 3 months in 4th year for 2 reasons, I didn't like myself and I was paranoid it was one of those 2 way mirrors.
*My impossible dream would be to win one award from the EGOT.(SEE END)
*One of my happiest moments of 2010 was when a transvestite told me I had a cute smile.

3 Songs that define your life:
*Listen from Dreamgirls by  Henry Krieger.
*I Giorni by Ludovico Einaudi.
*True Colours by Cindi Lauper (Prefer the Glee version).

3 Favourite Foods:
*Thai sweet chilli crsips and Milk
*Chicken and Broccoli bake

3 moments that changed the course of your life:
*Meeting Miss Jordan Minnis.
*Mother telling me that she was leaving my dad.
*Getting my As Level results.

3 times when I am at my happiest:
*Having long talks with tea that feels as if they could last forever
*Shopping, actually no. Looking at stuff to buy even if I don't buy anything.
*Finding a product that works, eg Oxy/tresemme/dove(Thanks Jorman)

3 things that make you different;
I'm made of pure strangeness so this one speaks for itself but anyways:
*I made friends with a girl when I young
*I love the cold
*My brain doesn't work...normally so to speak.
*A 4th here.... I'm psychic...The usual, I can hear your thoughts right now. (It helps that I'm right behind you.)

Leave a comment if you checked to see if I was there.

Well I'm bored now and too lazy to make up any more of these.

Love James

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Mr Sandman 2: The return of the Sand

I wanted to write a post to let everyone know that I am surviving my 5 RESITS thus far. I want to write a post on dreams I've been having recently, it's marvellous having a diary with this in it so I shall consult it and tell you my dreams from the last 7 days. I have of late had an increased amount of dream activity and I want to record it here as I believe it will be of interest as my dreams without a doubt tell the future *shifty eyes*.

Day1- Last Wednesday AKA 5th of January.
I had a dream that involved visiting Mr Cunningham in hospital, bringing him flowers and he throws them out the window of the 21st floor of the hospital (I do recall however walking into the first floor and finding him there, but at some point the 1st floor became the 21st). Very little happened in this dream.

Day 2- Last Thursday AKA 6th of January
I missed school, and all of my resits in one day, only to find out that something awful had happened at school that day and the resits were cancelled. I think it was a fire or a mass murder or the like, that's not important thought, I DIDN'T MISS MY RESITS! YEAH!

Day3- Last Friday AKA 7th of January
Do not recall the dream

Day 4- Last Saturday AKA 8th of January
This particular night I dreamt that I was in a room with bizarre artifacts on shelves on the walls, the room was circular and the shelves surrounding the room followed it's contours, I noticed a crystal ball on the wall and picked it up, there was a desk in the centre of the room with a chair and I sat down to study the ball, I breathed on it and it turned to water and fell into a bowl on the table I hadn't noticed, Then an old man came out of a door that wasn't there before, He told me that not many people could charm the water orb like that so naturally. After he said that I don't remember anything except something so do with a girl crying in a glass room...I think, very hazy here.

Day 5 - Last Sunday AKA 9th of January
I dreamt that I was sitting on the edge of my bed and someone I knew was in front of me standing holding a calender over a bin , then proceeded to set it on fire. I don't remember reading the calender but I do remember it had some dates on it, including the 17th of January, which also is the date I'm getting my first university offer(I wish...) Then someone shouted at me and told me that I will get ABB in my exams and I think that was it,basically

Day 6- Monday AKA 10th of January
I had a dream that there was a bus crash, the bus was one of those white coaches I think? Anyway it had a group of people on it; they might have been in one of those bands from around here. Anyways It blew up on the way to somewhere and I told Jordan that I didn't know anyone on board, then Jordan replied that Heather Speers was on the bus and was killed. That was pretty much it.

Day 7- Tuesday AKA Last night
This dream shall not be mentioned as it was disturbing and of a sexual nature. It is not up for discussion. Even though I'm not sure why it ever would be.

And that my friends, is a typical week in dreams of James Mooney. Well not really, I had more dreams than normal. Some of the dreams here had more I'm sure but i just fail to recall. Just so you know all of these will come true and I will be the world's greatest water orb charmer!!!! *Cackles* *Chokes* *Dies*

Yours Dreamily James

Thursday 6 January 2011

Mildred's Murmur-Omega

As Mildred turned, her eyes widened to the point that she looked like an owl. BAM! Mildred gets a shotgun to the face by a pink and purple pimp cat with a top hat and a cane.

                                                                   THE END!

Copyright (C) James Mooney 2011

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Mildred's Murmur-Alpha

Her larynx contracted sharply, her lungs hurt and felt better and she convulsed and expelled a small lungful of sparkling Aqua blue water. As she opened her eyes, she felt them sting with saltwater; scrambling up, she could feel the scratch of the sand on her face and the imaginary sand that still felt as though it was there was on her face. her abdominal muscle pulled her laboriously upwards towards the sky. As she propped herself up by placing her hands on the sand behind her back she let her head swing tiredly forward.
"The journey always takes so much out of me" She thought
A few minutes passed as she avoided opening her eyes simply to let give her time to enjoy the warm summer sun, allowing the blades of friendly light to pierce her delicate face.

She unlocked her eyelashes and billowed them rapidly as her eyes adjusted to the light, She peered up shielding her eyes with one hand from the spectacular purple sun. She looked up and down the beach, her green eyes following the shoreline to the horizon hoping for some familiar point to aid her in learning her location. To no avail she rose to her feet and clasped her hand to her neck to feel for the item. Her hands found what they were looking for and she pulled it out so it's image could meet her eyes. She looked down at the once dormant pendant in her trembling hands that had brought her back to her beloved land. Mildred lost in the beautiful amethyst-ish stone jumps as she hears an unmistakeable noise. Turning mildred's eyes widen as she realises what is glaring back at her...

Ole' Milly's Pendant.

Boringly yours,

Mildred's Murmur

Mildred gave out a sigh of boredom and leaned back in her office chair. As she stared out at the urbanised landscape beneath her through the glass of the building she felt a vibration. As the strength of the feeling increased the noise became audible to a low buzz. The noise was familiar but still very confusing to Mildred, she hadn't heard that noise or felt that hum in a long time and just in time she took her last deep breathe in this world and was sucked back into nothingness as the buzz became a hum and the hum became an unearthly roar. With a SWOOSH noise she was blinded by dazzling light and then all was dark...

Got bored so I felt like starting a short story about Mildred. More shall follow. BE PREPARED FOR THE RIDE OF YOUR LIFE AND BRACE YOURSELF...or don't I don't care. I do warn you; if you read this story you will be exposed to the workings of my mind when it's bored.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

How much would you like a toothbrush?

How much would you like a toothbrush? A question that many would answer with a simple, "I don't really care". I however asked for an electric one for Christmas. I pride myself in my "new" smile, every so often I look in the mirror and smile forgetting that I don't have braces any more. I should be noted that I actually have an addiction to licking my teeth and inwardly commenting on the lack of metallic monsters spanning my jawline. Today, I am interested in white teeth. I was chatting to Emma Jeffrey today, who I noticed had very white teeth. Not one of thsoe supernaturally whtie teeth people but still uncommonly white teeth none the less. She apparently got a cheap teeth cleaning set for christmas at around £20 in one of thsoe stalls found round butter crane.

My teeth in the future...maybe not my lips though.
Out of random curiosity I had a quick looking through the cost of getting your teeth laser whtiened professionally. Though rather expensive, I did manage to find a place in newry that whitens your teeth for £99. Which compared to the hundreds of pounds that other places offered is actually a complete steal. I am in no position to go off an get my teeth whitened financially or mentally, by which I mean I'm not really interested in getting the procedure done. I might have a little look into this cheap teeth whitening kit however. I rationalise it in my mind that I spent 2 years getting them straightened so I might as well go the extra mile and make them look great too. Hmm...Anyone up for a trip to Newry in search of the legendary tooth stall? I shall keep you updated. If I do manage to find the stall and decide to invest in the kit I will definately be making another oral related post.

Yours Dentally
Love James

Mr Sandman Bring me a Dream

Ugh, bad nights sleep for the past 2 nights makes James a dull boy. It's rather hard to concentrate when you barely sleep for some reason. I have never had sleeping problems before, this is a first. Why is it so hard to just get some sleep so I'm doing a number of things to tonight to try and get some sleep.
1) I'm going to exercise a few hours before bed.
2) I'm going to drink some hot milk
3) I'm going to change my sheets,(maybe it's the quilt?)
4) I'm putting on a heater before bed so my feet don't get cold in the night.
5) Turning the clock away to prevent me looking at it.
6) No TV before bed and I'll do some reading before bed.
7) Listen to some nice music before bed.

That's basically all I can think of. Let's hope I can get some rest tomorrow, If anyone has any secret sleeping tricks excluding drugs I'd love to hear them.

Yours Tiredly

Sunday 2 January 2011

Sorry for the blog gap.

Dear audience,
I apologise for yet another dry period of bloggedness. I have been relatively busy and equally as lazy. Little update on life in general. I went to Sarah's Birthday sleepover/New years party. It was extremely fun despite there only being 4 of us. It was a realllly fun night except when Jake went silent because of tiredness. Things began to slow down and I got a little bored in the morning because everyone except Naomi was wanting sleep. So i figured it would cure my slight boredom and the tiredness that I would probably have later that night if we all slept for a bit. We awoke then to walk to the beach to watch the first sunrise of the year seeing we missed the actual new year because we were watching Triangle(very good but confusing movie). The glorious sunrise was invisible and obscured by the ironically grey clouds. Typical Kilkeel. However it was nice. Watching the sea was a little depressing because I started thinking about the year ahead; simply on the ground that I have not met my new friends from uni yet I could only think about losing old ones and it made everything seem very desolate and lonely. That soon ended and we returned to Sarah's house and departed shortly afterwards. Even with the lonely moment of clarity It was an amazing night filled with Inception, Nightmare on Elm Street, Triangle, Chinese food and PAYDAY! Thank you Sarah it's the first New years Eve I've spent with people in about a decade. ALSO BIG NEWS! I HAVE FINALLY STARTED REVISION! TOOK ME LONG ENOUGH. It's full on study now until the end of my resits. Let's just hope it'll be worth it. One last thing I have 1 new years resolution! To write a diary/journal/planner thing. Hopefully It will be fun to read through at the end of 2011(sounds gross). Well bye for now darlings!

Love James