Sunday 2 January 2011

Sorry for the blog gap.

Dear audience,
I apologise for yet another dry period of bloggedness. I have been relatively busy and equally as lazy. Little update on life in general. I went to Sarah's Birthday sleepover/New years party. It was extremely fun despite there only being 4 of us. It was a realllly fun night except when Jake went silent because of tiredness. Things began to slow down and I got a little bored in the morning because everyone except Naomi was wanting sleep. So i figured it would cure my slight boredom and the tiredness that I would probably have later that night if we all slept for a bit. We awoke then to walk to the beach to watch the first sunrise of the year seeing we missed the actual new year because we were watching Triangle(very good but confusing movie). The glorious sunrise was invisible and obscured by the ironically grey clouds. Typical Kilkeel. However it was nice. Watching the sea was a little depressing because I started thinking about the year ahead; simply on the ground that I have not met my new friends from uni yet I could only think about losing old ones and it made everything seem very desolate and lonely. That soon ended and we returned to Sarah's house and departed shortly afterwards. Even with the lonely moment of clarity It was an amazing night filled with Inception, Nightmare on Elm Street, Triangle, Chinese food and PAYDAY! Thank you Sarah it's the first New years Eve I've spent with people in about a decade. ALSO BIG NEWS! I HAVE FINALLY STARTED REVISION! TOOK ME LONG ENOUGH. It's full on study now until the end of my resits. Let's just hope it'll be worth it. One last thing I have 1 new years resolution! To write a diary/journal/planner thing. Hopefully It will be fun to read through at the end of 2011(sounds gross). Well bye for now darlings!

Love James

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