Wednesday 29 December 2010

Cashmere Shmashmere

Finally the opportunity arose where I got to go shopping. I've been wanting to get some actual shopping done for quite some time now and I eventually got to with the aid of Amy Mckee. Her and I arrived in Belfast on Monday. A few memories are as follows.
*Amy stalling my drive

*Seeing Karen from Scotland in her car (We knew it was her because it had a K in the number plate)

*Amy asking should she turn left and signals right hand.

*Amy immediately afterwards signalling left hand and asking should she turn right.

*Amy then trying to explain by saying she tells her left from right by the mole on her left arm

*FAIL* Amy thought the mole was on her right arm that day...

*Amy having to do a steep hill start in a multi storey car park and revving extremely hard and killing us with a stench of burning rubber inside her car.

*AMY MADE A DECISION! She suggested eating at Costa.

*Me deciding "Why should I act all posh and sophisticated just because I'm in a coffee shop?"

*Then proceeding to eating my panini with my hands.

                                              Watch out Cashmere Goat, Amy might eat you.

There are a few memories from our trip. We even bought some clothes, therefore the trip was about 1000 times more productive that clothes shopping with Jordan.I picked up a Black cardigan and a Purple sweater, which I later discovered was 5% cashmere. This has compelled me to someday purchase a 100% cashmere sweater simply on the grounds of softness. That was a short summary of our glorious trip to Belfast and our battle with the fearsome hill monsters

Love James

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