Thursday 16 December 2010

Dear Number Six

Dear you,
Some people may find this shocking as they heard nothing of it but do not be offended not only do very few people even know this person but even fewer know that we went on a date.i was sworn to secrecy, whether that was because I'm an embarassment to date or perhaps it was because other "events were going on. We met in the summer, we went on a date and you quite frankly were vile. There are certain rules to first dates, it was obvious that you weren't very experienced in the dating area, nor was I but this does not excuse how you behaved. Here are a list of rules that you would be better off to learn even though I pray you never read this.

#1 It's not considered good practise to talk about your past failed relationships, especially not on a first date
#2 If #1 is bad practise I don't even know what telling me abotu your first sexual experience is.
#3 Putting your head on the shoulder and cuddling someone in the cinema you are just getting to know isn't good!
#4 Holding hands on the first date is just cryign desperation.
#5 KISSING someone after knowign someone for the length of time that the 3rd twilight film is long.
pushing your date against a wall and forcefully kissing them is NOT APPROPRIATE.
#6 Telling your date you are a witch and believe in an almighty goddess called Hecate?!?!
#7Telling your date you think they're the one is NO NO GOOD.
#8 Trying to add me on Facebook afterwards after how you acted?

In general you were scary and quite frankly seemed like whore to me.I am glad that there was a bus near that time. I'm glad that I have no made contact with you since because you are really rather scary.

To all those that didn't know about this I apologise. I am not allowed to divulge the identity of this person but you most likely don't even know them anyway. This is one of those bad experiences that you woudl rather just forget. If anyone asks me anything about this I will probably get quite angry as I am asking you not to now. You may question among yourself but it is in the past and SHALL NEVER BE BROUGHT BACK OT THE SURFACEWORLD EVER AGAIN! you can question among yourself but never to me. *gasps at the scandal* yeah I'm sorry but that's how it is, I just don't like talking about it because it's still fresh in my mind still and it disturbs me still, Thank you

Hoping never to talk to you again,

1 comment:

  1. Ohh James! You do know how to get the scandal going.
