Sunday 19 December 2010

Dear Number Thirteen

I know this person personally.

Dear You,
You are pretty(just realised this is what I start loads or letters with this, however this only because I have so many pretty friends.)You really are pretty, you probably don't hear it enough but you are. You are a great friend and I am really glad to have met you, for some reason I think we will stay in touch; I have no reason for thinking this; just a feeling. I know you will do well in life and I will be happy for you; because you have treated me so well, you understand me really well and are such a supportive friend, that is why I love you. I am glad I get to spend so much time with you, I spend about 60% of my school day with you and I am really thankful for it as you help me a lot. you are really generous and kind, even if you are now prone to eight  kinds of racism. You are such a star, despite your laziness you help me when I need it and when I don't need the help as much you become lazy (lol). You work hard and will go far, you don't dream big, you dream real instead. You are really down to earth and in turn that brings me down from the clouds sometimes. I think you are a little scared of the next school year. Big university and everything and I really hope I'm there for you and to experience is with you. I must admit I REALLY don't feel like talking to you sometimes and please don't take it personally, I just don't want to talk and I feel that you understand this. I know I can be annoying and very frequently threaten to kill me (a little over dramatic but it still makes me laugh.) I swear if you ever even try to kill me, I will kill you. Well I must dash dahling, one last point, you are the best and deserve the best which i know you'll get because you're you.

Love James

Dear you,
Once I reach 20 letters I am releasing a shortlist of names of some of the people I have written to. I think perhaps 20 letters will be enough and I will stop writing.

Love James

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