Wednesday 15 December 2010

Dear Number One

 I know this person personally. It will be pretty obvious who it is.

Dear You,
For many years you have been my other half. Not in a romantically entangled way but you were my other half. You were my Yin. You were young, innocent and balanced me out. You taught me so much in everything you did. When you stopped being my friend due to my relentless insults (which I'm truly sorry for, I think it's some form of defence mechanism). You forgave me and helped me grow. We aren't as close anymore simply due to the fact we've grown up but not apart. WE are still great friends and are bond forever together by our shared experiences. it's not necessarily a nice thing to say but I shall say it none them less. If I were to meet you in high school instead of primary school; I honestly don't think we'd have became friends. If perhaps you had've gone to Kilkeel primary I would've been forced to stay alone or to go and play football, pretty much a sink or swim situation. I sometimes feel guilty though; I know I'm different from everyone else, I always got the feeling that you would be the super popular girl at high school right now if I hadn't of infected you with pure essence of the bizarre. It's a strange guilt but strange is the one word that nowadays sums us up. I remember always thinking our friendship was a "normal" one until I discovered that apparently it was very grown up for us to be friends in the whole gender departmen, anywho....

I have always admired your tenacity and will to fight to the very end. You are brave, something that I am not. I am confident but I am not brave. Together we might pass for a socially acceptable person...perhaps? We are polar opposites and ones that under any other circumstances would never be caught dead together; however I like to believe that we were meant for each other(yet again not in a romantic way). you were sent to me and perhaps i was sent to you, Our destinies entwined to help each other get through the most awkward and socially outcasting portion of our lives. Though we are no longer as close I still believe we will forever be in each others lives, though as my dreams have not told me yet (LOLO) I cannot say that for certain we will be physically close together but we will always have each of our souls etched upon the other forever. That's a poetic way of saying "YOU CAN'T GET RID OF THE CRAZY!" I feel I should say more not only because you have been an astronomically large part of my life but because you are simply such an astounding person, morally and emotionally; and not that I think about it physically. You've always been pretty, wait no...just remembered the bob years; and the paint and glue years; and the awkward super acne years...hmm...predicament.... well let's just say that you are pretty now! Like a bizarre swan you have grown up and have resisted the taint of vanity without looking like a complete tramp. Brava! I shall leave you with this quote, "SNOOTY LITTLE SNOOT POT!"

Love James

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