Friday 17 December 2010

Dear Beep

I am taking a short break from the letters simply to detail and scribe the long tale of Beep's, formally known as the Beep Chronicles.

It all began on the 5th March, her tale begins a sorrowful one. Mearly minutes old Beep lost her Father in birth. A tragic turn of events involving a feather duster a clown wig and a vengeful psychiatrist; However I shan't go into details as these are the chronicles of Beep afterall. Beep celebrates her birthday on the 5th of March, her age has always been a mystery for 2 reasons. Firstly there are 2 equally plausible dates, 5th March 0019 BC or 1989. We may never know what age she was sadly. Secondly there is the point that her face and figure seem to defy time. She matured into a beautiful woman and stayed that way until she was tragically taken from us whether that was when she was 21 or 2029 we will miss her greatly. Beep lead a happy and fulfilled life, recieving multiple awards for her intelligence, beauty and charm. She recieved her masters in several subjects, including English,Greek and Canadian literature, Nuclear Physics and Advanced Biochemistry. Beep later got her first job in McDonalds flipping fries and pushing children down.
Beep's life had been satisfying up until that point but from her diary which she was buried with we can that she always had felt something was missing until her fancy dress birthday party.
                         Beep enjoying herself as the fancy dress performing her signature dance move.

As usual, Beeps parties were truely wild, thousands of people always attent and she is the life of a party. An ironic truth was to be revealed at this particular party. Beep had gone to the fancy dress party as a crippled woman wearing a halloween mask (being her comical self.) As she performed her signature dance move(as seen above); the light caught upon her lustrous chrome wheelchair and caught the eye of one Jake Pulford, he was blinded not only by the wonder of her chrome but by her stunning beauty. The instantly fell in love. After a few 2 hours of drunken lovefilled ramblings and various spiked drinks they were to be wed in the summer of 2009. Not knowing an envious Sarah skulked nearby and thought that Beep looked far too comfortable in that wheelchair but thought it suited her all the same. taking beep outside to the front steps of her mansion; Beep was forcefully and tragically thrust down the Beep Manor steps. Severing her spinal cord in 194738 places (The steps are realllly long and pointy) Leavign Beep compeltely paralysed and on one of those funny electronic voice things, sadly Beep had invested her money in a bet that she would never become paralysed and leaving her poor she could not afford the proper device, only a speaking device that communicated in beeps. Thus givign rise to her name as no-one had ever asked her name before this incident. Lovingly Jake still married her in Summer 09.

                                                                        Beep on her Hols
  She always loved black and white photos, so much so that she spent most of her life in black and white.

                                           Beep having the time of her life on her Honeymoon
                                           you can see her beautiful tan and her new wardrobe

They were the perfect couple, within their brief time together on earth they raised 2 children, Bleep and Beepity Boop. Still green with jealousy the evil Sarah planned to strike again. Late in 2009, it was Sarah that stole away to the Pulbeeps household to finish what she had started only months before. Perhaps if Beep could've explaine dher newly aquired fear of stairs she would have objected to having 4 miles of staircase put into their family home. Sarah used this to her advantage. Brutally throwing her down the stairs had finally filled Sarah's dreams to steal Beeps loving husband. Sadly she succeeded as beep lay at the foot of the stairs in a shallow pool of blood.

                                         CCTV Footage Screenshot of Beep's Four Mile Fall

From the post mortem is=t was discovered that beep had a rare antibody, making her immune from cancers and Aids. If her life hadn't of been snatched from her she could have cured the world. There was not enough evidence to convict Sarah so she got away with taking the life of a saint. To this day Sarah makes it her lifes goal to replace Beep in Jakes life and she is succeeding. It is the that the Beep chronicles end, and it is to say that they end far too soon.*weeps*
Written in loving memory of beep, May you roll with the best of them.
Written by one of your greatest admirerers,
Love James


  1. I laughed quite a lot reading this James. Thanks.

  2. My head is sore laughing at this!

  3. Very good James. I never knew very much about Beep, but now I feel like I know her like a sister. Beautiful. R.I.P.

  4. James... He is mine now, Beep may get used to it.
