Wednesday 15 December 2010

Dear Number Four

I know you, but not personally.

Dear You,
This is a random letter to be honest. In your class I feel like I blossomed. Before I was nervous almost shy; you class made me feel popular and I felt a connection to you and everyone else in that class. Your subject might have bored me to death but I still loved going to your class. It took so long to get used to your classes though, I not only gained knowldge but I gained confidence, you encouraged (some of) your pupils. It was a short time in my life which almost seems like a blurry haze at this point but I value that blur none the less. This is a short letter to thank you basically and also because I have little else to say on this topic except thank you I suppose for shaping me a little more into the person who I am today.

P.S. lol at Schizophrenia. (Sorry, contextual error, I meant DID)

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