Thursday 16 December 2010

Dear Number Seven

I know this one personally.

Dear You,

You are absolutely FABULOUS! You really are, your style and sense of fashion is amazing, you have your own style. No this isn't Claudia. You worry too much but it's only because you care about the people you are close to. I love that you might be a little self conscious at times and simply ignore personal attacks on you but you can't let anything slide when it comes to your "pretees"/people who you love. You set me straight when I was compeltely out of line and in a very bad place. Sometimes I think that you are the person who made me human. You softened my heart. You showed me that true love is possible and that I was an awful person. Oh Ye of many hair colours we barely talk but our friendship is strong none the less. Many people trying to guess who you are will probably have difficulty because I'm sure not many people even know that we covnerse on a regular basic. You are amazing! You are sooo caring and I love you for that. You remind me that the world is not full of people who care only about themselves, you taught me this through personal experiences we have shared when thigns were said that I am truely sorry for. You say you forgive me and understand but I don't think you could really forgive what I said, it was unforgiveable. However, I have acted you have been supportive and are an all round incredible person. Your compassion and mercy know no bounds. Quite frankly I love who you are and please never change! You are almost an absolute star! (very similar at least)

Eternally in your debt


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