Friday 24 December 2010

Dear Number Fifteen

Dear You,
You are gorgeous, you are amazing and I admire you so much. You are almost my inspiration if it wasn't for your utter bizarrity(new word). You have strong morals and principals, that is something to by proud of. I honestly believe that you could easily be the friend that goes the farthest in life; you work so hard and dream big enough to have ambitions but are down to earth enough to realise them. I actually didn't know you existed until about 3rd-4th year in my high school career, however despite knowing you for a lesser amount of time hasn't impacted how much of an impression you've left on me. You are so talented and gifted in everything I've seen you do, I know for a fact that later in your life you will be appreciated more for the fabulous person you are; I am also sure that you will certainly become a role model for many in the future. You have such a great life ahead of you and I know that you'll achieve this because of how hard you work yourself. You deny yourself now so you can benefit in the future. I just think you are incredible the way you can balance so many things in your life; from your extracurricular work to school work to hobbies to obsessions you have a perfect equilibrium achieved in all of these areas and you are a marvelous person (I don't I've ever used marvelous Any how you just need to remember one thing to get wherever you want to be, You are you. I swear I will destroy you if you ever lose that iconic personality you have, I would love to stay in contact but I guess some things aren't meant to be, but you never know. At least we still have that meeting in the future with little Stella. If I haven't given your ID away enough I just want to compliment your unique and fantastic sense of style, I love your fashion sense and understand that everyone is different and your style is difference itself; if anyone every tells you that what you're wearing is bad simply kirbstomp them with your cats and be done with them.

I absolutely love you to bits. James

P.S. Letter are becoming much more difficult to write, therefore they are ending because I don't have enough brain power for them anymore, next post shall be the names!! I'm revealing 7 identities for the letters and I am also releasing some of the twists that perhaps have thrown you a bit. I have actually written the next post but I think it shall be posted within the next 3 days. I honestly haven't decided yet, it will either be today tomorrow or the following day, probably not tomorrow as it is Christmas day*sarcastic whoop* I think it depends on how harassed I am via comments, facebook or MSN to whether I will post later.

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