Friday 17 December 2010

Dear Number Eleven

 I know this person personally.

Dear You,
You nausiate me to no end. Your personality is vile and you annoy me on an infinitismal scale. You're selfish,mean and I want to strangle you sometimes. However might I add, I sometimes also kinda might have a crush on you anyways. I don't even understand it myself I confuses the life out of me, I always got the feeling you thought the same way about me but you would never even think about it in reality; you're too cool for for me. We've had our moments, ranging from the near stangling to the cutting the tension with a knife moments. I have no idea why I'm attracted to you and it makes even less sense to me than male nipples but it's there none the less. I shan't write too much as your identity could be compromised and we can't be having that now could we, that might cure some of the mooney madness that is forming in the blogosphere. I shall big you farewell my dear. BYESSSSSSSSSS.

Love  James (I suppose)

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