Wednesday 15 December 2010

Dear Number Two (LOL!)

 I know this person personally

Dear You,
You are manipulative, 2 faced,vain/self conscious, irritatingly impossible to read, reclusive, deceptive and obviously have social problems; HOWEVER you are a great friend to have. You never let anyone in, you try to but are a massive failure at this and quite frankly I'm rather annoyed at you lately because of "the incident"(Which you may or may not know about.) You've hurt me all for the purpose of being dramatic.You are pretty on the outside,but inside you have garlic in your soul. I wish I could help you sometimes but it seems like an unfathomable amount of work so I don't bother. Don't worry though, I get the feeling that you and I won't stay very close in the foreseeable future. You are otherwise astounding. You remain calm, get things done and are such a good listener(if not a good communicator). You are so very handsome despite your vanity obsession. You think and dream big and have such a great way of treating people. Earlier I said you had garlic in your soul; I'd like to expand on that. You have a few problems that irritate me beyond belief but it can be reversed and I believe it will, just not in our friendships lifetime. Our friendship has an expiry date and it's getting so very close. I would love for us to stay friends but I'm sad to say that I will probably lose contact with you, mainly because you'll want to move on. I think you find you're "relative" popularity a burden nowadays and have reverted back to reclusiveness. I understand you have sooooooo sooooo much on your plate, I understand that, but I'd like to let you know that there needs to be room for friends. I think you have a lot of superficial friends. I think that you think that come Uni time you will just brush them all off and start anew but you've got a lot to learn. You don't just find new friends, it will be your personality which permits what kind of friends you'll have and at this rate you'll just end up with more superficial friends and I'm sorry; not intentionally trying to be mean but sometimes I think you're going to end up alone. I do however believe that people don't need to marry and pair off, and that's what I mean by alone, as in compeltely alone. Superficial friends and no-one to trust deeply. I will be there for you though always, I'm telling you this even if you never actually read this, I just want to assure myself that I'll be there for as long as you need me and as long as you allow it. To finish up, I need this last bit to be so very clear. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! You will always be surrounded by friends but please for your own good let even just one person in, PLEASE!

I apologise to those who want to badly knwo who this is, but I can't reveal. Also, I apologise to those who will probably think that this person is you; All I can do to console you is to say...LOLIO! and YAY for Paranoia!

Love James

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I think I went too far in this one. However I must admit that "the incident" hurt me quite deeply. I might have been a bit harsh in this but what was done to me is far worse. It's distracted me all week but now that I've blogged about it. The worry has lifted. perhaps I should do this more often.
