Thursday 16 December 2010

Dear Number Nine

I know this person well but I fear that there's stuff they don't tell me.

Dear You,
Quite frankly I feel like you treat me like a child. I know that our relationship is bizarre and the only reason that I don't hate you is the thin barrier made of our similarities. WE talk an awful lot about University and the topic of my course choice always comes up. I think you try and hide your real feelings about my course. We don't speak very often but genetics is always a big topic between us and I believe it will always stay that way, at least I hope so because like myself you are always up for an arguement. I correct your grammar constantly and you hate that; so you make a big deal of it if I make a little slip up.I do love you but sometimes you make it so hard because I feel that you are hiding something. There have been many times in my life when I was annoyed with you but when the event took place I hated you so much. I was hurt badly but I'm glad we went through that together and ended up stronger for it. I believe If that event didn't happen I'd be completely different. You have taught me soooo much even with our constantly strained relationship. I definately carry a part of you with me everyday of my life and that part is what keeps me going everyday(lol sounds like I'm a  transplant patient.); traits I have stolen from you and it's these traits that make my life easier and I thank you for that, even simply being there for me. You are so caring, you always ask me if I'm ok and have always looked out for me even when you weren't near. Thank you for everything and i'm glad that I will get to have you with me all my life even if I do go to England for University.

Eternally grateful for you
Love James

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