Wednesday 15 December 2010

Dear Number Five

I know this person personally and I believe they know more about me that they'd like to let on.

Dear you,
You may feel like the prettiest girl in the year, but your heart of gold makes you so so attractive to almost everyone. You cheer me up almost everytime you're near. Either you are one of 3 things:
#1 Constantly happy
#2 Don't/Seldomly let anything but the happy show
#3 Emotions are beneath you (Least probable)

You probably would not understand why I am writing a letter to you but sure I'll write it anyways. You mean a lot to me, I always get the feeling that without too much actual communication that you really do know me. You know what I'm like on the inside and know things about me that other people don't, simply by occasionly chatting to me. Sometimes you're not the brightest but that doesn't mean you don't shine in my eyes. You are however truly talented in near everything you do whether you know it or not. Sometimes you can come off as smug but I always got the idea that you only come off like this because you take pride in what you do. Sometimes you confuse me and at other times you stare at me blankly but that's one of the things I love about you, you are so graceful and you just seem to me like just a real person, everything about you seems honest, not shrouding yourself in superficial qualities and you seem to get one well with everyone that you come in contact with. I used to make fun of you but that's the case with most people. It will be hard to part with you honestly! It'll be like my stomach being torn out through my diaphragm and I will honestly miss you. I am truly glad to have met you even if we don't stay in contact I at least have the memories.

(and that's five, I might make one more later but I doubt it, Stayed tuned anyway for another installment of the Mooney Chronicles.)

Love James

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