Monday 6 June 2011

Deepest desires- The Final 3

The Final 3! DUN DUN DUN (Go away orchestra!)

#11 I want to be famous.
 As mentioned in a previous post, one of my greatest fears is to die and not leave my mark on the earth. My dream way to do this is to become famous, I'm not quite sure how to go about it. I'd hate to be famous for being famous. Like Paris Hilton famous, that's not fame girl! THAT'S JUST SLEAZE! Anyways, that's besides the point. The most likely is to become famous in the fashion industry. Which would be good however being famous in the fashion industry rarely makes you famous to anyone outside of the designated fashion areas. There are many types of fame, something which people forget. It is rarely the case where you're famous enough to be known by everyone. for example. Film fame, many many people would know you but the likes of Elizabeth would barely remember your face. Fashion fame, Jordan doesn't even know who Anna Wintour is. Novel fame, You not only rarely see the authors face but if you're not a reader then you're not likely to know the author in the slightest. Science fame, Very few people know Boltzmann, an extremely successful scientist who brought us very useful discoveries and died surrounded by family on his death bed. Anyways, the sad this is that I will never be known by everyone. Good thing is that I'll never be forgotten. Woop!

#12 I want to never have to sleep.
I've been thinking about this one more and more. I'd be able to get sooo much done if I never needed to sleep. Think of all the COD I could play! Joke! Cod is a joke. I highly doubt I would be any more proficient in my studies however I will humour myself by telling myself of all the revision I could get done at night. To be honest, if it happened right now. I never needed to sleep again I'm pretty sure I'd mess around for about a year at night time. Then try using it productively, that would last about a week. Then instead I'd just lie in bed at night close my eyes and wait until morning like some sort of horrific Dracula monster.

#13 The final one. I want to have children.
I would love to have children. This may come as a surprise to those how only know my affiliation with children is strenuous to say the least. It annoys me that anyone is allowed to have children. I'm not saying I want to carry out some Hitleresque eugenics. I simply find it irritating that there are people in the world who want children and can't have them, meanwhile somewhere else in the world people are raising their 20 children to be racists and sectarians and homophobes. This is a topic that would drive me mad. Especially in Kilkeel when we can see people who under other circumstances had a different upbringing would be highly productive members of society. There is also the minor problem of this:

Things like this scare me. There is a slight chance now that these 2 will be able to procreate and have children worse than themselves. If there was a sign that the next generation would be free or even less plagued by social monstrosities such as those found in the area of Mourne I'd be happy. Anyway, that was a massive tangent. As i have mentioned to a few close friends before, if I were to have children they'd end up being the strangest children on the face of the earth. Other than their killer good looks and their vibrant intellect they'd be freaks. QUOTE from the future!

"Excuse me...Where do you think you're going Missy?!?
"And where is your clown costume at?"
"UHHH! DAD! You know I prefer going out in my meat dress on Tuesdays!"

Personally I'd simply love to meet my children due to the fact I'd assume they'd be like me. A thought of mine can be summed up in a postcard from Postsecret this week.

I can't wait to meet you children! See you..some day.. BYE BBZ!
Talking to unborn children.

That is all from my 13 things posts. Tune in next time with my next post "Hair"

Yours cravingly


  1. James, why do you post 4 times in one day? You should queue posts.
    Then you'll ultimately get more views over a period of time because commoners (aka non blogging community) will have to keep checking back to your blog for your next post.

  2. Just read this post, loved it! Want to do a wish post myself now. haha

  3. James I really do miss your posts when you don't blog for a while. I also read that post secret and was like yes I agree. My children must not be normal.

  4. Awh James, thans for keeping me entertained for 2 minutes :) I love reading your blogs.
