Sunday 5 June 2011

Unlucky wishlist.

I know, I know. The world is coming to an end. I have posted 2 times in 2 days. The blogging community has picked up again (probably because we're meant to be revising)...(Well most of us are, *scowls at Claudia*). Anyway, I saw this on the twitter trends and decided not to clog up your twitter with it but to spam up your blogger instead.

#13 things I want.

This list will include the possible, the impossible and the uncontrollable.
#1 A pair of converse/hi tops in each colour of the rainbow.
I'd even love them if they were £4 gola hi tops. This is a realistic but highly desirable dream for me. I'm not sure if it's the versatility of being able to match my shoes to almost any of my clothes or simply the knowledge of knowing I have collected a rainbow range of hi tops. Either way it'd be pretty PIMPIN!

#2 Good Roomates at Halls.
I'm not scared of Alcoholics, or druggies or even vomit all over the place. However I am scared that I will be back in first year high school. Anyone who actually knew me back then was either Jordan, Mark, someone who hated me (59%) or someone who thought I was weird (remaining percentage). I would like to take this opportunity to point out that I have grown in no way any less weird, I am accepted by my school mates because the weird has infected them. Yes, it is true and is rather obvious. My weirdness and affiliation with the bizarre has become contagious and colonised many hosts. Exhibit A:
 I in no way claim to be the entire cause of the explosion of weirdness. Almost everyone has a little bit of weirdness inside of them I am simply the giant bizarre greenhouse that made such an environment as to allow the weirdness to flourish. TANGENT! Back to the topic on hand. I am aware that many of you fear what your next year of halls has in store for you. I am simply terrified of meeting people who don't get me. I am sure I can convert them to the bizarre and obscure but I'd rather not put in the effort. Besides, how normal can they be? I'll at least have the friends that I have tainted with an element of the strange close by anyways.

#3 This one may sound a bit unusual but sure. I'd love to design an outfit for big old Lady G. She'd basically accept anything so long as it was unique had an element of the bizarre and had a meaning behind it. Something I'm sure I could do easily. So if you're reading this Stefani get in touch bbz! Yes, I am 99% sure Lady Gaga will read this. how could she not read such an epic blog....*sigh*.

#4 To nearly win the lottery. If you know me you'll also know that when it comes to money I'm not the brightest at the whole financial side. It may sound stupid but the reason behind it is because I have this feeling deep down that at no point in my life will there be a moment where if I need money I won't have it. I don't mean that I'll necessarily be rich, I mean that I just never worry much about money and I'm pretty sure I never will. Even if I'm wrong I'll have the satisfaction of knowing that without the worry of money I'll not get as many wrinkles as the rest of you with your crater-esque worry lines! YEOOO!

#5 We've all heard my ramblings, we've all heard about the dreams. I want to own a boutique. I sometimes seriously think about it, mainly "If I don't do this now, I'll have to wait for my mid-life crisis." A little morbid but still it's true. It's actually an aspiration of mine that maybe I'll have the privilege to accomplish. I only mention this because I had another dream last night. Not of the boutique more of what will happen. I was in my living room and an old woman walked in, it was my mum only really old. She wanted to tell me what was going to happen. I'll start from the beginning. She began to tell me about the past. Alexander Mcqueen committed suicide in Feb 2010, 8 days after my 17 birthday. She told me the world's fashion industry would become dry and boring for 7 years until 2017 when I would rise up to replace the great loss of Alexander. I would go to uni for genetics and leave after my first year. Change to Fashion studies of some kind, in 2012. I complete a 4 year course taking us to 2016 then at the end of my course I immediately get a placement. In 2017 I release my first line and instantly become famous. After that I open my boutique on Saville Row called Half Moon. It ends there. There were other things but we'll not mention those now.I started to cry in the dream because I think my mum died instantly after she told me this. I'm not suite sure. Also the dates of when these happen weren't in the dream I worked those out in case you were thinking my dreams are insanely numerically accurate. I remember my last thought in that dream. "2017 is the year of the rooster. My sign!

I am aware that my recent posts have been long and , in my mind at least, tedious to read I'm sure. I shall continue the list at a further point. I simply hope that I have quenched your boredom for a while and try not to cry now that this post has ended another one will be posted in due course.

Yours desirably

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