Tuesday 7 June 2011


It's just typical of me to name a blog post after one of Gaga's songs, Which I love! HERE IT IS! And for Elizabeth's Sake, I should say HAIR IT IS!

This post is about my hair! WOOP! Lately I was thinking. I LOVE MY HAIR! With any luck I'll end up like either of my grandparents and Never lose all of my hair.No man as far back as 3 generations in my family has lost a great deal of his hair. Lucky for me. Some people may not understand how awesome hair is. So today we'll be taking a little trip into my bathroom!WOOO!

Today the topic is MY HAIR!
 This is my majestic auburn hair in it's truly natural state. Without products and after a night's sleep. Most morning upon waking up with product from the day before in my hair. I'm already ready. Apparently my nocturnal movements try an avoid messing up my hair too much. I hate this hair. It's boring and it's not ME! However I'd rather have this as my morning hair than waking up and looking in the mirror to see a giant wad of CURLY hair on my head. LOL at Elizabeth and John. I remember as a child being told that eating the crusts of my bread made my hair go curly...Hmmm, guess who didn't start eating crusts until P7.

These are my sexy shower products.I adore Tresemme simply because of the amazing smell.I LOVE IT. I am finally back to tresemme. Not many people know that you should change your hair products every 6 months and if you're between the ages of 13-22 or so you need to change about once every 2-3 months or so. So it's back to Tresemme time! Quite frankly I love washing my hair. Seems weird/sad but I find it abnormally fun. Your hair is like clay, you can mould it to almost any shape as you will find out in the upcoming photos. Being a Product whore is a perfect match for my mother working in Boots, Discount + Mother paying = Me not paying = Happy Me. I have tried and used a ridiculous number of shampoo and to be honest, 80% are the same. 10% actually work extremely well and the other 10% make your hair that awful kind of clean. SQUEAKY CLEAN! You may or may not know what squeaky clean is, it's where your hair actually squeaks when you rub your hands through it when it's wet. It's horrid. Jordan knows what I mean. We've discussed this.
  Ummm...This is Satan evidently. It begin out of boredom that I started styling my hair. Then I left the shower and got my camera to save a picture for some reason. When I took it my finger half covered the camera and resulted in this dark kinda creepy lighting. So no, my bathroom lighting isn't that scary. I am reallly not sure what's wrong with my jaw, it's all out of line. This picture gets scarier the more you look at it. Well at least we know I'd make a pretty cool demon? Moving on....

 This is snazzy Rocker James. If you are unnerved by these photos and the amount of skin showing it may comfort you to know that I did put on underwear. This is no worse than seeing me at the pool. Which I'm not saying is exactly a pleasant thing but still.
Anyways, this is Rocker James. It does kinda remind me of something that Gareth Graham would paint/draw. Simply because of the hair and the pose. To be honest this picture was an accident I had my finger on the button and I think I thought I was about to sneeze but I didn't and accidentally took this photo instead but I thought it looked snazzy so her it is! My hair is rather long.... I didn't think it was...Oh well. more to play with!

Below we have Ninja James, I normally spend 75% of my time messing about, 15% shaving and 10% of the time backstroke shaving to get that smooth as a baby seals bottom feel. Apparently it's weird that I use 4 different products on my skin when shaving...
It so isn't...it's cool. My skin is crappy enough without them so shush. Also I am as I have mentioned before a product whore.

My nose looks really big LOL. I spend too much time playing. LOL at John! My imagination gets stronger with age! Hence my weird children. I'm rather glad I'll never truly grow up. My 2 worst fear about growing up is losing my imagination and being hairy. Both scare me. This picture actually progress to me wearing a black scarf amount my face and pretending to be a ninja some more.

 To the Right we have "Unshaven James"
Creepy Neckbeard James
Sex offender Beard

To the Left we have Suave Shaven James
Sexy McSexington
*passes out from awesomeness*

Left: Here we have me with Gaga. Sexy duck pose! My hair is a side parting SEXY SEXY SIDE PARTING. JORDAN, We all know how Jordan loves Partings in general.
Right: Semi-smoulder
hair was random mess style, but looks awesome none the less.
Oh look John, That is how to pull of a Cardigan. YEOO!

Left: The Same side parting as seen above. However this photo is completely different because my eye brow is slightly raised, giving it's a sleazy quality.

Right: Dr Who Matt Smith hair. My hair is too short for it to be just as awesome and it's wet so I just look greasy. I look a bit traumatised for some reason.

Leftt: THE WAVE! This is what happens if you use a rounded comb and watchyay for distractions

Right: The famous Quiff, my latest hairstyle only to be stolen and models everywhere are using it. I still use it but not as much. Once it gets popular, move on.

The final 2
Left:What is left my my flick, it used to be much more prominent when my hair was longer but alas those days are over.
Right: I have named this character Malcolm, He lives with his mother and is also a serial killer, He gets angry one day when he cuts his hand on a can of tuna for the cat and then progresses to strangle the cat then knifes his mother.

That is all we have on hair. HAIR HAIR HAIR. Fantastic hair.I apologise if you got bored but I did originally take 98 photos. Many of those were me pretending to be various characters, like pirates and Santa. Things you do not need to see. Well that's all from me and my hair!

Yours hairily


  1. I would love to prove you wrong and say that I wake up every morning with fabulous curly hair however that would be a complete lie :( My hair resembles that of a mad scientist who had a little too much fun with a van de Graaff generator...and that's AFTER I've 'styled'it!

    Fabulous post btw, especially loved how you threw a pun in to keep me happy!!

  2. Some may see it as a pun some may see it as making fun of your accent. Either way I don't care.

  3. Hahaha brilliant post! Extremely disturbing pictures, but very good indeed!

  4. My accent?? I don't sound like that...do I??

  5. *laughs maniacally* PARANOIA!

  6. NOOOO! I spent about 45 minutes getting those photos to stay in the right place. THEY@VE MOVED! *DIES*
