Thursday 23 September 2010

Never felt so good to be wrong!

The universe has yet again wanted to make itself out to be independent. As soon as I finally settle on the conclusion that my braces are never to be removed; that they were a fact of nature. The sun shall rise, the rain will fall, plants shall grow and James shall forever wear braces. The universe changes it's will and decides that I shall go to the ball! The very metaphorical ball, I shall however achieve my dream of being onstage at the waterfront completely brace-free. 18 days and I shall be like the normal people, obviously only in a dental sense. If my orthodontist were to turn round and say she'd like to keep them on a little longer she will no have very long to live. She is a lovely woman, I happened to mention that it was perfect timing and mentioned A Midsummer Night's Dream so she arranged it that I would have the removed before then. Who knew an orthodontist could be loved so much? Here's to the orally normal and metallic free future!


Tuesday 21 September 2010


Yet again, tomorrow holds another visit to my orthodontist. She is a lovely woman, never shouted at me which I hear is regular practise at other practices. However I do hold some contempt for her as I have endured the discomfort and displeasure of being acquainted with my braces for over two years now.

I hate them. I had to learn how to speak and smile again. The innumerable mouth ulcers they've caused not to mention the week and a half I couldn't eat solid food. I feel my teeth are done and I'm pretty sure they haven't moved in a long time. Dr Claire Armstrong begs to differ; but who am I to make rash claims that she's keeping them on too long. I have seen what getting them off too soon results in and If this will avoid that outcome I'm willing to play along for at least a little longer. 

My dream is to have perfect teeth. I, however, doubt that will ever come to pass with the absence of veneers. Some teeth too big, some too small and some too "not in the right place." I'm pretty sure I would scream with excitement if I were told tomorrow that the metallic monsters are going to be removed. Only in my wildest dreams am I on the waterfront stage as (Sir) Peter Quince and smiling with a set of perfectly visible straight teeth and not obscured by the grey mesh of wire and brackets. Also for those wondering, yes I have made peter quince a sir, deal with it. I suppose we shall see. No point in holding out for a miracle. For piece of mind I'll just assume for now that they shall be on indefinitely.

Dedicated to the future dreams of straight visible teeth. May the pain be not in vain.


Sunday 19 September 2010


Was just going to make a post on Hidden Beauty, but just decided to stick up some pictures.





I thought these photos were awesome, I apologise in advance to Sarah; these may bore her as she has almost completed viewing the entire internet therefore she's probably seen these already.


Fear and Pessimism

At first glance these two words seem completely irrelevant to one another. They're not the same and they're not opposites. They have nothing in common despite the fact that they're often confused with each other. By definition fear is a reason for dread, apprehension or anxiety and pessimism is the tendency to stress the negative.

After a chat about our fears and anxieties of university I couldn't help realise that I was using the word fear or scared or some other synonym or those to describe absolute worst case scenarios. Hating your course; getting into debt; getting into the wrong crowd;losing old friends and not making new ones(big one); not liking your roommates; the lack of "real" adult supervision; not getting into university; not having an en suite? I'm not denying the fact that there are real problems that many of us shall have to face but perhaps we're over dramatising it?

Why are we thinking so negatively, the people I know are happy, cheery people and I understand that some people need to get some problems off their chest but things probably won't be anywhere near as bad as we think or make it out to be. Why can't we have a smooth transition and why can't things just be easy in our minds. I make no claim that I have no worries, I just can't help but think that maybe things will just be...fine! Get the grades; make awesome friends that I'll have for the rest of my life; enjoy my course and discover my passion for it; get a safe secure job and just get on with the rest of my life. Do things really have to be all doom and gloom? I refuse to believe they are and to be perfectly honest I don't think I have time to be worrying anyways.

Sometimes you reach a point, where one of two things can happen. Either my mind will set it in stone of I'll hit a moment of sudden crystallising clarity where things suddenly change. From this new perspective I'll achieved on going to university I deny pessimism in this matter and shake off doubt. New mindset...THINGS WILL BE GOOD!.. and I can't wait for them to begin.

*get's suddenly exited about university..^-^*

Thursday 16 September 2010

Fear of the Future

Despite the title this is not the convention fear of the future. Imagine a futuristic world. One where Dawn French bots roam the streets and Judy Dench has forever been immortalised in ice. This future may seem appealing however after copious and unnecessary amount of though on the matter I have made several conclusions.

Firstly, I'm pretty sure by the time this future reaches the present day I will be a very old age... I'm guessing I shall have just turned 269.(This estimate is based upon the assumption that death will be optional.) 

Secondly, There will be some form of alternate transport...namely Teleportation!!!! DUN DUN DUN! This concept with today's knowledge, according to the ever logical Mr Annett (my chemistry teacher, is completely impossible due the something about not knowing the location of electrons in the atom. Ignoring the minor complications of it's impossibility I'm sure the human race will overcome that issue.

So when the sun rises on the day when the first teleportation system is up and running I shall be avoiding it at all costs and will insist on using my polluting petrol car (assuming I've actually got my license by then)  simply to give the ozone layer a challenge. Personally I'm quite comfortable with my atoms being ripped apart and transferred from one place to another to be reformed only if it's be rigorously tested and it doesn't hurt much. My problem with teleportation, however, lies with the type of teleportation where they use different atoms to reform you. 

Thinking logically, it's still going to take a lot of energy to move the atoms from one location to another; so, the most probable outcome is that the information will be transported and you will be reassembled using different atoms. Simple enough concept, but I am lead to believe that you wouldn't be you. When you are ripped apart you die. When you are reassembled it would be someone else who is identical to you in every way, right down to the atom.It's like the plot line from the film "The Prestige", if you don't know the plot I shan't ruin for you. In layman's terms, you die; clone takes over your life. 

Another problem arises though. The clone is like you in every tiny little way so no-one knows that you've died and hence are lead to believe that you've simply teleported. People use the system not knowing that they will die. The cycle continues, the clone being the same as you were before the process, doesn't have any memory of dying and therefore doesn't realise that they will die when they use the system either. Thus begins the deathly cycle where the planets dies daily and no-one knows. I name it, THE DEATHLY CYCLE!

My view of the future in teleportation.


I'm having one of those moments. The one where you take something that you never really notice and put it under a metaphorical microscope. Examining it until the utter thought of the concept is completely preposterous. Hair, hair, hair hair hair. Even the word sounds wrong now. Why is it necessary for us to grow long strands of stuff on our heads and why has the human race grown to love styling it. It can be used to make a fashion statement or in the art of seduction. Hair. Keratin. Bangs. Fringe. Locks. Filamentous Biomaterial. No matter the name, it's just plain weird. Almost as confusing as the conundrum of the eyebrow. This idea cropped up when i had my hair cut today. People making money by cutting up parts of our body? In those basic terms, hairdressers are basically sadistic psychopaths with scissors. Oh hair...YO CRAZY!


Wednesday 15 September 2010

The Human Equation

...And thus The Human Equation is complete! Be it very basic but put everything in my last few posts into some kind of bizarre human design device and you'd you might be lucky enough to receive something vaguely familiar of me.

Gone fishing


Whenever you are swept up in the hurricane of hormones that is teenager-ism, you are exposed to a number of new moods, ranging from euphoria to depression. Sometimes in your lowest hours you can feel better by simply remembering a different time when you felt different. personally if I'm sad I reach for a certain green covered book which I received for Christmas from an awesome friend. It recounts many memories and bring up feelings that I'd forgotten existed like nostalgia and that feeling you get when you remember something hilarious that you forgot about.

Here is a short list of experiences, the good and bad, that I'd like to share/remind people of.

A time when you were laughing so much you couldn't breathe:

I think I can answer this one in one phrase. VIVA LA MOTH!

A time when you crying so much you couldn't breathe:

This was a new experience for me. After my granny passed away in 2009, I didn't feel anything. That in turn terrified me and made me feel like a bad person. I cried a little on the day of the funeral but not as much as was yet to come. About 3 days after the funeral my mind started wandering back to the past, about memories of my Grandmother. Then all of a sudden I burst out crying, literally burst. A momentary explosion of emotion, hurt, pain, lose, mourning and emptiness. Within 3 seconds I'd gone from paddling in a little self pity to drowning in a bottomless ocean of pain. Bad times.

A time when you were terrified...and loved it:

To be honest I love to be scared. It makes me sound like a freak but I lose the adrenaline rush from being terrified. So I'll simply state the last time i had this feeling. It was when i was with Mark Sarah and Jake in Dinnywater forest and it was fast approaching midnight. In pure darkness with the exception of 2 torches of moderate and poor quality. We had fallen silent for about 10 seconds only for that deathly silence to be broken by a thunderous explosion of sound in the trees just us about. the adrenaline pumped and I can't recall is there were screams or not but I do remember being slapped on the arm by a frightened Sarah noticed Jake quickly realising it was a bird. and Mark to me left half turned ready to run if the "threat" continued. After the calamity of the flappy bird I realised what I had done. I'd taken a step forwards, towards the potential deadly threat.Odd, maybe... unexpected of me? never!

Finally, a time when you felt more at home somewhere other than your home:

This has to be sitting in Claudia's kitchen. It felt so homely and I was so comfortable I may have never left if it hadn't have reached 1:30am. Sitting, chatting to Amy Grace(Amyphetamines) and Claudia Green(Claudbag/Claudimidia) with a Disney themed mug of tea in one hand and one of those amazing chunky cookies in the other. Utter Bliss.

Experiences and the emotions that those experiences imbue in us are hugely important to making us the individuals we are. Whether it's time with our family which imbues us with our beliefs or times spent with friends giving us loving friendships and humour or time spent in front of the mirror stressing over how beautiful our flesh is. All of these are vital building blocks to making a human. To finish off her are some songs that will hopefully bring up feelings whatever they may be. These songs are given to me by friends.

1)Bronksi Beats

2)Muse - Exogenesis Symphony Part 3

3) Counting Crows- Accidentally in love


5) Bed intruder song

Caio for now! 

Tuesday 14 September 2010

The Mind

The mind for most people is simply what's in your head; when in actual fact it's much more than that. It's the personality,knowledge, mannerisms and how people reacts in different situations. Therefore it's difficult for me to try and describe my own mind when it involves so many aspects. However, there is one perspective that encompasses all of these. It is simply what others think of you. How you behave is noted by another human being and their view reflects your behavior as a whole. For the maths nerds, other peoples opinion of you is basically the following equation:    

(positive action + negative actions)/time.

Using this forumla 3 basic outcomes are possible. An overall positive view of someone; an overall negative view of someone; or the outcome is so close to 0 that the overall outcome is apathy towards said individual. Using the fact that one cannot accurately sum up ones own mind. I've asked 5 people to describe my personality in one word.

5)Kind Hearted

Notice these are all mostly positive, because people don't want to offend me. So to balance this, I can use my own mind to see the flaws in myself and I can describe the negative traits of my personality.

2.5)What's another word for "doesn't know when to shut your face." Kind of similar to 2) 3)Stubborn
4)Very self conscious/too critical of myself (It's getting better, used to hate myself.)
5)Too often needs to be the center of attention. (is almost a contradiction to 4) )

Likes and Dislikes

Even with a very plain title; I think that your likes and dislikes are the basis on the whole human social system. Finding out another person likes and dislikes can give you a brief insight into how well you will get on or how compatible you are. Whether you believe that opposites attract or if people with loads in common are the best matches you can use them to find out a lot about a person. Well after that dull intro I think I'll Do something a little more interesting. I'm going to list a number of things and you need to guess if they're in my likes or dislikes.

Hot drinks
Soggy Cereal
Strawberry Anything!
Bounty (chocolate bar)
The smell of petrol
How I looked in first year 
Arnold Schwarzenegger Movies
Blue pens
Spicy food
Robin Williams 
Steve Martin
Turquoise(the colour)
Finn from Glee
Playing the Father figure in plays
Rainy days

There we have it, a mixed list of my likes and dislikes.
The answers are in the comment below. You may discover something new about me.


Appearance is next. This is an odd thing. We cannot define what beauty really is yet we let it define our society. YEAH! GO ME GETTING ALL PHILOSOPHICAL! Well Appearance is something that concerns me. There are 2 types of appearance, is my belief. The first type is how you look and how you see yourself; the second is how other see you. This section is mainly based on the physical(Oh! How vain!)

I was wondering how to do this, to do like and dislikes?  Write a letter to my body parts? Write a big chunky paragraph about me? I decided to do my own thing.

Dear body part I hate most,
How dare you store so much fat in you! You are selfish! There isn't going to be a famine any time soon(I hope...)Just burn the fat and get rid of it and then Maybe I'll like you...

Dear body part I regard as my nicest feature,
Hey eyes, you're green and rarely go red. I love your appearance and I'm sorry for getting you as damp as frequently as you do.

Dear body part I like for no real reason,
Hey belly button what's up? I have a great admiration for you. In my more Emo days you were actually the only proof I had that I was human, back when emotions failed me. I remember when you were less hairy(yes I know it gross) back when I was scared that you would tear open and create a hole straight into my stomach.

Dear body part I like for still being there,
Never leave me appendix, I'll give you one job, don't inflame and burst. We all know that you are the organ that houses the soul.

Dear body part I Wish was better
You caused me pain as a child through infections and I caused you pain as a teenager through my Ipod. I think we're even.

Dear Body part I want to change.
I'm not sure you technically are a body part but I'm sorry, I has to be you Mr Sensitive Skin. You burn in the sun and go pale in the lack of it. It's a vicious cycle. You don't understand the concept of a tan and when you try to form one you end up looking like you've been sprayed with mud. You even needed medical help to get rid of that horrid acne. fail at life.

Well I that's enough, I could go on forever but I'm pretty sure any readers have lost interest some time ago. Bye for now. Next installment is on it way, Likes and dislikes.

Genetic/Biological traits

I've decided to write up some of the elements that are involved in the preceding equation.

 This is the Genetic/Biological traits/Quirks Section

I have O+ Blood
When in strong sunlight I get angry
I need very little sleep (pour example: last night I slept from 1:30-6 and woke up naturally.)
Spearmint things make me feeling sick. Like really vomity sick.
I am a victim of the pee shivers
When there is a full moon I feel cleverer (Hence the reason for the moon gadget on my sidebar.)
I sneeze when I'm forced to quint in bright light
I am a sufferer of that weird stomachy feeling. When you go over a bump in the car of suddenly drop on a roller coaster. I get that when someone falls in a game I'm playing, and it never stops until I get off a roller coaster, I have an overactive sinky-stomach?
I rarely get bags under my eyes
I have green eyes, that's uncommon right? (apparently) <1% of the earths population...

Well that's just a few random quirks I have. 
Next installment will be along shortly.

The Secret to making a Human

Today on my journey home from a fun time at the Shakespeare School Festival workshop in Belfast, as I listened to those singing loudly at the back of the bus and watched those who listened to those at the back of the bus I began to wonder "What makes the 2 sets of people different from one another?"The longer I thought about it, other than outward appearance what makes me different from everyone else? What makes me special? A question no doubt asked by millions and answered by so few. Is there an equation to it all perhaps; 

Genetic/Biological traits + Appearance + Likes/Dislikes + Personality+ Experience = A specific individual

Simplified Version

Quirks + Looks + Preferences + Mind + Life = Human?

If this is the basic recipe for an individual, then I think I'd like to now mine. I think I'm going to dedicate a bit of time figuring out the recipe for James E Mooney.
Back in a bit, James.

Monday 13 September 2010

Just a nice little thing I found.

I found these pictures and thought they were so beautiful. They're beauty mixed with the darkness of the sin they represent. Anyone who has done KHS L6th English or has read the Great Gatsby will appreciate them even more than I.


Giving up.

I love when you have one of those startling revelations. My revelation of recent is that I give up on so much! Beware, following is a small ranty list of things I've given up on before.

Piano lessons
Guitar lessons
Piano lessons
German lessons 
Signing up to websites like twitter and never using them
Plays in which I hated my part so much I neglected it
Numerous blogs almost including this one
Feelings and Emotions (yes it's possible)
Exercise and diet schemes
Food- the other side of the coin
Plans to redesign my room
New years resolutions
More weight loss schemes
Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme
Working for Exams AKA revision
Learning a skill really well
Plans to do awesome things and go awesome places.
My Dreams

Just for the record a few of these have been reworked and I now value them, eg my life, my dreams, and I repainted my room! hurray!


Well, this hardly shows my dedication to this blog. I forgot I even had it until today. That's going to change...hopefully. Well Reading my last post is a bit of a kick up the face. I see that I boldly stated my grades as ABBC(a nice delusion), back in the real world I got a BBCD, In Physics, Biology, Maths and Chemistry in that order. Chemistry was a real shock. To be truly honest when look down on the almost impossible to decipher exam results paper I could feel that weird lump in your throat that makes you want to cry but it hurts because you need to hold it back. When everyone around you is reaping the rewards of their hard work and your sitting there in the comfy general office chair feeling like you want to fall off the edge of the world is in my top ten bad feelings list.

Well, now that school has FINALLY commenced, that feeling has reversed. After having one of the worst summers of my life it feels amazing to get back to school where everyone is depressed at the prospect of another year and I'm not, quite frankly I'm ecstatic. However, I can't show my delight off too much of I will be killed by those who would rather lie in bed all day than actually learn. UGH! I sound like such a nerd...well, maybe I am; who knows? 

Now that the result time depression has worn off and to my amazement I only have to do 5 resits(if you're reading this and thinking that 5 is quite a lot, it's not as bad as I had first thought.) I think I can do it, Physics needs barely any revision it was just luck of the draw last time, Biology needs a bit of work, meanwhile chemistry needs a complete overhaul. I got a D and U in my exams, I thought they went rather well; the examiner begs to differ. It did occur to me that there was a mistake, but I think I'll just try and use it to teach myself a lesson on discipline. I'm also trying to give myself some determination by paying for the resits myself, £65 of resits to be precise. I don't want that money to be wasted therefore I MUST WORK! Well I think that's enough rambling for now. This is basically just a general update of my "life" post. I think I'll post again later tonight, lol, not that it matters.