Sunday 19 September 2010

Fear and Pessimism

At first glance these two words seem completely irrelevant to one another. They're not the same and they're not opposites. They have nothing in common despite the fact that they're often confused with each other. By definition fear is a reason for dread, apprehension or anxiety and pessimism is the tendency to stress the negative.

After a chat about our fears and anxieties of university I couldn't help realise that I was using the word fear or scared or some other synonym or those to describe absolute worst case scenarios. Hating your course; getting into debt; getting into the wrong crowd;losing old friends and not making new ones(big one); not liking your roommates; the lack of "real" adult supervision; not getting into university; not having an en suite? I'm not denying the fact that there are real problems that many of us shall have to face but perhaps we're over dramatising it?

Why are we thinking so negatively, the people I know are happy, cheery people and I understand that some people need to get some problems off their chest but things probably won't be anywhere near as bad as we think or make it out to be. Why can't we have a smooth transition and why can't things just be easy in our minds. I make no claim that I have no worries, I just can't help but think that maybe things will just be...fine! Get the grades; make awesome friends that I'll have for the rest of my life; enjoy my course and discover my passion for it; get a safe secure job and just get on with the rest of my life. Do things really have to be all doom and gloom? I refuse to believe they are and to be perfectly honest I don't think I have time to be worrying anyways.

Sometimes you reach a point, where one of two things can happen. Either my mind will set it in stone of I'll hit a moment of sudden crystallising clarity where things suddenly change. From this new perspective I'll achieved on going to university I deny pessimism in this matter and shake off doubt. New mindset...THINGS WILL BE GOOD!.. and I can't wait for them to begin.

*get's suddenly exited about university..^-^*

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