Tuesday 14 September 2010


Appearance is next. This is an odd thing. We cannot define what beauty really is yet we let it define our society. YEAH! GO ME GETTING ALL PHILOSOPHICAL! Well Appearance is something that concerns me. There are 2 types of appearance, is my belief. The first type is how you look and how you see yourself; the second is how other see you. This section is mainly based on the physical(Oh! How vain!)

I was wondering how to do this, to do like and dislikes?  Write a letter to my body parts? Write a big chunky paragraph about me? I decided to do my own thing.

Dear body part I hate most,
How dare you store so much fat in you! You are selfish! There isn't going to be a famine any time soon(I hope...)Just burn the fat and get rid of it and then Maybe I'll like you...

Dear body part I regard as my nicest feature,
Hey eyes, you're green and rarely go red. I love your appearance and I'm sorry for getting you as damp as frequently as you do.

Dear body part I like for no real reason,
Hey belly button what's up? I have a great admiration for you. In my more Emo days you were actually the only proof I had that I was human, back when emotions failed me. I remember when you were less hairy(yes I know it gross) back when I was scared that you would tear open and create a hole straight into my stomach.

Dear body part I like for still being there,
Never leave me appendix, I'll give you one job, don't inflame and burst. We all know that you are the organ that houses the soul.

Dear body part I Wish was better
You caused me pain as a child through infections and I caused you pain as a teenager through my Ipod. I think we're even.

Dear Body part I want to change.
I'm not sure you technically are a body part but I'm sorry, I has to be you Mr Sensitive Skin. You burn in the sun and go pale in the lack of it. It's a vicious cycle. You don't understand the concept of a tan and when you try to form one you end up looking like you've been sprayed with mud. You even needed medical help to get rid of that horrid acne. Skin...you fail at life.

Well I that's enough, I could go on forever but I'm pretty sure any readers have lost interest some time ago. Bye for now. Next installment is on it way, Likes and dislikes.

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