Monday 13 September 2010


Well, this hardly shows my dedication to this blog. I forgot I even had it until today. That's going to change...hopefully. Well Reading my last post is a bit of a kick up the face. I see that I boldly stated my grades as ABBC(a nice delusion), back in the real world I got a BBCD, In Physics, Biology, Maths and Chemistry in that order. Chemistry was a real shock. To be truly honest when look down on the almost impossible to decipher exam results paper I could feel that weird lump in your throat that makes you want to cry but it hurts because you need to hold it back. When everyone around you is reaping the rewards of their hard work and your sitting there in the comfy general office chair feeling like you want to fall off the edge of the world is in my top ten bad feelings list.

Well, now that school has FINALLY commenced, that feeling has reversed. After having one of the worst summers of my life it feels amazing to get back to school where everyone is depressed at the prospect of another year and I'm not, quite frankly I'm ecstatic. However, I can't show my delight off too much of I will be killed by those who would rather lie in bed all day than actually learn. UGH! I sound like such a nerd...well, maybe I am; who knows? 

Now that the result time depression has worn off and to my amazement I only have to do 5 resits(if you're reading this and thinking that 5 is quite a lot, it's not as bad as I had first thought.) I think I can do it, Physics needs barely any revision it was just luck of the draw last time, Biology needs a bit of work, meanwhile chemistry needs a complete overhaul. I got a D and U in my exams, I thought they went rather well; the examiner begs to differ. It did occur to me that there was a mistake, but I think I'll just try and use it to teach myself a lesson on discipline. I'm also trying to give myself some determination by paying for the resits myself, £65 of resits to be precise. I don't want that money to be wasted therefore I MUST WORK! Well I think that's enough rambling for now. This is basically just a general update of my "life" post. I think I'll post again later tonight, lol, not that it matters.

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