Wednesday 15 September 2010


Whenever you are swept up in the hurricane of hormones that is teenager-ism, you are exposed to a number of new moods, ranging from euphoria to depression. Sometimes in your lowest hours you can feel better by simply remembering a different time when you felt different. personally if I'm sad I reach for a certain green covered book which I received for Christmas from an awesome friend. It recounts many memories and bring up feelings that I'd forgotten existed like nostalgia and that feeling you get when you remember something hilarious that you forgot about.

Here is a short list of experiences, the good and bad, that I'd like to share/remind people of.

A time when you were laughing so much you couldn't breathe:

I think I can answer this one in one phrase. VIVA LA MOTH!

A time when you crying so much you couldn't breathe:

This was a new experience for me. After my granny passed away in 2009, I didn't feel anything. That in turn terrified me and made me feel like a bad person. I cried a little on the day of the funeral but not as much as was yet to come. About 3 days after the funeral my mind started wandering back to the past, about memories of my Grandmother. Then all of a sudden I burst out crying, literally burst. A momentary explosion of emotion, hurt, pain, lose, mourning and emptiness. Within 3 seconds I'd gone from paddling in a little self pity to drowning in a bottomless ocean of pain. Bad times.

A time when you were terrified...and loved it:

To be honest I love to be scared. It makes me sound like a freak but I lose the adrenaline rush from being terrified. So I'll simply state the last time i had this feeling. It was when i was with Mark Sarah and Jake in Dinnywater forest and it was fast approaching midnight. In pure darkness with the exception of 2 torches of moderate and poor quality. We had fallen silent for about 10 seconds only for that deathly silence to be broken by a thunderous explosion of sound in the trees just us about. the adrenaline pumped and I can't recall is there were screams or not but I do remember being slapped on the arm by a frightened Sarah noticed Jake quickly realising it was a bird. and Mark to me left half turned ready to run if the "threat" continued. After the calamity of the flappy bird I realised what I had done. I'd taken a step forwards, towards the potential deadly threat.Odd, maybe... unexpected of me? never!

Finally, a time when you felt more at home somewhere other than your home:

This has to be sitting in Claudia's kitchen. It felt so homely and I was so comfortable I may have never left if it hadn't have reached 1:30am. Sitting, chatting to Amy Grace(Amyphetamines) and Claudia Green(Claudbag/Claudimidia) with a Disney themed mug of tea in one hand and one of those amazing chunky cookies in the other. Utter Bliss.

Experiences and the emotions that those experiences imbue in us are hugely important to making us the individuals we are. Whether it's time with our family which imbues us with our beliefs or times spent with friends giving us loving friendships and humour or time spent in front of the mirror stressing over how beautiful our flesh is. All of these are vital building blocks to making a human. To finish off her are some songs that will hopefully bring up feelings whatever they may be. These songs are given to me by friends.

1)Bronksi Beats

2)Muse - Exogenesis Symphony Part 3

3) Counting Crows- Accidentally in love


5) Bed intruder song

Caio for now! 

1 comment:

  1. I have to agree with the "Time you were terrified, but loved it."

    You coped so well, whereas I was a trembling mess who spasmed at the slightest thing.
