Tuesday 30 November 2010

I am truely sorry...

Hello friends. As my title has informed you , I am truely sorry for neglecting you. I have been busy. Mainyl completing that darned ursula costume. it took forever and I still didn't get it finished. My underwear was showing most of the night and it didn't ake me happy. However it was wearable I suppose. Anyhow, there has been snow. I haven't been able to get into school the last 2 days due to it but I SHALL be going tomorrow. Apparently there some thing for UTV that I'm meant to be in for so meh. I have also finished my first draft of my personal statement. Took flipping long enough for only a maximum of 4000 characters(WITH spaces). That's another thing off my mind. Sadly another thing crushed me again last night. I have little over a month until my resits! I haven't got nearly enough done! That on top of the 2 tests in physics and biology I missed due to my "snow/slush days". I can't wait for stratford...resits will be over nothing apart from exams to worry about, not that that is anything small it's jsut \I prefer to worry about 1 big thing rather than lots of small things.

As with many students I am terrifed that I will into get into university. I had a horrible thought If I don't get any conditionals I think I will actually cry. Whether that's in public or not will be determined by my location only. The good thing however is that I'll probably just have a heart attack waiting for results and thus will never have to worry about university. I AM NOT WORKING IN THE FISH FACTORY ALL NEXT YEAR IF I DONT' GET INTO UNI!!!!! I am actually considering a few options incase i don't get a place at uni.
1)Move into mother's and go to belfast tech from her house every day
2)Actually move to belfast and go to tech instead of uni.
4) Do some random course from tracking that I will potentially hate.
5) Spend a year doing some form of volunteer work
7)Go back to KHS? AS IF! but it's always an option I suppose.
8) Go to another high school.
9)Work in the fish factory and inevitably wait for depression to occur closely followed by suicide.

There we have it. 10 viable options, some more morbid that others but sure. To lighten the mood here are some disturbing photos of Ursula's attendance of the Prefects Disco 2010!

 Nasty Ursula with the hatless Mad Hatter
 Ursula Exposing herself
 Pebbles and Ursula being naughty?
 Super Sleaze Ursula
Yet another glimpse of those wonderful stripy boxer briefs.

Monday 22 November 2010


This is where I'll update the progress on my costume for ursula.

21/11/10- The idea began, the material for the tentacles has been cut and ideas are forming.

22/11/10- the first 2 tentacles have been finished, and the necklace is done. I am getting sequins from elizabeth hoefully tomorrow. I've finished designing the make up and I've heard that there are purple tights in Asda, Claudia is also letting me have her purple leggings... Thanks Claudles.

23/11/10- the 3rd tentacle is complete. Only 3 left to do. I finally have some webbing given to me by the wonderful mrs hackney. it's in the wash right now being dyed purple...let's hope all goes well...
Part 2-4th tentacle finished. I'm on fire and have developed a mean bracket stitch. I think I've found my callign in life. I shall open a store that sells tentacles!

24/11/10- 5th tentacle done. Have no idea how to fix my webbing. It didn't dye at all. Need another plan....hmmm.Planning to get this tentacle belt finished tonight. maybe some sequins on it too...
Part 2- Final Tentacle complete!!!! Going to attach them to the tentacle belt now! Hurrah! I'm ahead of schedule and I've even watched the next Glee episode already today.
Part 3- TENTACLE BELT DONE! I have also sorted the webbing problem. things are back on track! Need to pick up a black t-shirt and something for my hair and I'm nearly completion!

25/11/10- I'm becoming really pressed for time. I need one more purple piece of material for the belt then it's done. I need to actually start altering the t-shirt, need to stick some pretty stuff to my costume as well. mother has bought me white hairspray! hurrah! no talcum powder hair. i have decided to stuff my costume with a spare change of clothes incase I decide to change. It's very close to completion however I will need to do a lot of work tomorrow evening which I'd rather spend getting the make-up right. *sigh* Let's jsut hope it pulls together somehow...

26/11/10 AKA the Big Day! the time has arrived, things need to start coming together. My costume is about 80% complete! I am scared it won't be finished. I shouldn't even be blogging but whatever. I have approximately another 4 metres of stitching to complete. Why Oh Why didn't I just steal a sewing machine?
 Part 2- Tentacles completely complete! success, things are moving along now... I might make it in time.

To be Continued...

Sunday 21 November 2010

Ursula- The Sea Witch

I have decided to take on the momentous task of becoming Ursula from the little mermaid for the prefects' disco. it will take a bit of work but i'm pretty sure I can do it. If anyone would like to donate some black material for my tentacles that would be great.

                                                              "Poor unfortunate souls!"

When thinking on how to do this, I have decided to take inspiration from nature. I am going to base my design for ursula on the vampire squid. Hmmm.. I really hope this turns out well.


Educational Suicide

Just looked at my exa timetable. Worst decision ever. I have all my exam in 2 weeks, some people have it worse but at least they can cope. Sometimes I severely regret my subject choices, I honestly believe that I'm not clever enough to do these subjects. BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS! Was I high when I chose those subjects. I have been trying to revise these but I can't bring myself to do anything. Then I try to look at my resit revision and want to die inside. I NEED to revise. Next week will be no fun but I have to do work, and nothing else. I still haven't even attempted to get caught up on what I missed while I was in scotland nealy 3 weeks ago. *sigh* My subjects are killing me. I think I've forgotten how to be creative. Everything is logic and numbers; something I used to love but that love has withered and I need to try and get it back or basically I won't even get into university.

                                            DUN DUN DUN It's giant brain, it's brainstorming!

Maybe sudoku is the answer, kick start my brain or something. nothing seems to work. First of all I'm going to clean my room that always helps to clear my head when everything is neat and tidy. I think I'll try adn make another to do list for myself. Also, I apologise Claudia, I followed your schedule up until writing my personal statement. I jsut can't do it. I don't even know what I'm meant to be doing...*dies*. Oh well..I'll probably do it at the last possible minute and ruin my chances of uni and therefore my life will never amount to anything..a little dramatic but meh.


Wednesday 17 November 2010

Gravity Shmavity

Number 4: Reverse gravity

This isn't your normal zero gravity or even the old boring weaker gravity. This is FULL BLOWN REVERSE GRAVITY. Another interesting-life maker. First of all everyone who was outside would basically just fly off into space, those lucky enough to be inside or able to hold onto phone wires have a shot at survival. If the human race were to survive this, would it mean we'd have to start building our houses and skyscrapers downwards? Juggling would be a nightmare and a hole in your floor could mean death by falling into space. I wonder would airplanes still be able to fly and the world would be in ruins as the hot air balloon incustry collapsed. This isn't a fantastic one to write about but it really is fun to think about. We must however remember that the most important and by far the biggest dilemma we'd need to face is "how would we use watermills?!?!?" DUN DUN DUN! (Also helium balloons wouldn't be very much fun.)

                                                           Despressed clown balloon...?


Tuesday 16 November 2010

Gotta catch 'em all!

Number 3: POKEMON!

A childhood dream come true, real pokemon!Leaving home at the age of ten to go around and imprison small animals in balls and force them to battle...Dream.Come.True.
Life would be more interesting with these adorable creature roaming the earth but I can't help but thing what else would happen. Life would REALLY not be like the TV show. First of all there would be NSPCP. Pokemon enslavement. How could the human race resist unlimited heat, water and electricity and most of all FOOD. OM NOM NOM! This really is delicious pokemon flesh. Not to mention the horrific experiments on them. I don't think the world is ready for pokemon yet, however I am 90% sure that someday I will have a Jynx!

                             Jynx- The politically incorrect pokemon. (Pretty sure it's a transvestite)


Thanks Claudles!

This isn't my psot for today, this is simply a post of gratitude for the ever wonderful, ever beautfil Claudia V Green (I added the V for emphasis, In my head it's Vivienne, but sure.) She has made me a timetable for my week and now I might actually get things done. It's workign so far, I have all my H-works done and I've even started my personal statment. Things are finally moving again! Claudia you are the diuretic of my schedule. Thank you so much, you're a STAR!

                                       (And yes I know she'll probably kill me for this but meh...)


Monday 15 November 2010

If only...

Number 2- If the ground were made of rubber

It's just one of the things that happen to sail through my mind now and again. If the entire earth was one massive rubber ball I'm pretty sure I would never get the bus to school again; actually I think I'd get really sick it after about a week but sure...I'd have killer calves then.

I apologise to all those who just vomited due to the picture, but my body is just that glorious....

My main point is that many tasks would be made difficult if the ground turned to rubber. Pour example:
Selling trampolines
Being a meteorite and it being your goal in life to make a crater on earth
Demolishing buildings
Suicides by jumping for somewhere high
Mining for gold or looking for the underground city of the possum people
Farming of any kind
Doing the javelin 
Living in General 

 It's Hetty! The meteor!(She'll only become a meteorite once she comes into atmosphere.)

Ok. It would get sickening and it's never going to happen and everyone would end up hating it; but may I point out that it would make life more interesting...I rest my case.

Today's post was "sponsered" by Adiemus


Life is boring...

I'm definitely not as depressed as my blog title would suggest but it is something that's floating around in my head. Recently things have been rather dull and I get the feeling that something big is going to happen (hopefully). Things are just plain boring; each day merging into the next like some sort of life mixing spatula...OK, maybe that's not the best analogy but what do you expect I'm BORED! I light of these events I have decided on to make a list of things that would make life a little more exciting.

Number 1: ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!!!!!!!!!!!!111
 Yeah, basically I think life would be more exciting if you lived in constant fear of being mauled to death and devoured by zombies. Think about it, it's everything you could ever want. Going round with your friends, killing zombies, trying to re-establish civilisation,raiding, living in anarchy with no rules, surviving on your own basic instincts, raiding, saving people, raiding, living in Asda and basically raiding it. Aaaaah, living the dream. OK, I agree it would be cool for a short time up until your friends get killed, you begin to starve or if you are Elizabeth, the disorganisation kills you; but sure it would be fun up until then...I think? Oh well at least there's a chance Doris Roberts might not make it, now there's the real plus side.


Friday 12 November 2010

Glee Cheesus Cheater

I must admit I felt guilty, but when I missed my alarm and had to spend the whole day at home with very little to do the idea was too irresistible. My friends, I am a cheater. I have skipped ahead and watched up to episode 4 of the next Glee season. To the American readers (or so my stats tell me) that I have, I am from Northern Ireland and therefore Glee will not be on our screens until January. I shall now become Mystic Meg and give a review of what is to come without giving anything of interest away.

Season 2

Episode 1- Auditions

An interesting beginning. A lot has changed since we left the new directions team. We meet some new people and here some amazing songs, some not so good ones too though. I am in love with a new character I shall not give anything away except for this, She's an absolute beast! Overall, A very strong start to what I expect to be another fantastic seaon of Glee.

Episode 2- Britney/Brittany

To be honest I was excited by this episode. BRITNEY SPEARS! I was on the edge of my seat, only to end up having to slump back down into it. This episode reeked of desperation and quite honestly it was weak and pathetic. I love the character brittany and she was fabulous however other than  that the programme was a travasty. I never thought that Glee could sink so low. If you miss Glee the week this is on it might be for the best. You miss nothing in the plot worth talking about.

Episode 3-  Grilled Cheesus
What can I say...The only words that come to mind are phenomonal and spectacular. After Episode 2's massive dissappointment, this episode reminds you why you watch Glee. By far it is the best Episode i have seen thus far and it's probably the best 45 minutes of tv I have watched this year. The episode tackles the controverial topic of religion, something avoided by most shows. Glee has outdone itself and in this weeks heart wrenching storyline there are a lot of beautiful songs slotted in. Perfect performances from all of the cast and at one point my eyes were "damp". It truely is the one not to miss!

Episode 4- Duets
I enjoyed this episode. I obviously braced myself as it could never be as good as it's predecessor, however I was pleasently surprised. I was right in thinking it wouldn't be as good but I was expecting it to look like a relative disaster. I thouroughly enjoyed it. It much better than it's name suggests unless you are demented and are actually into duets. I however hate duets and think they are cliche but once again I have been proven wrong by the might of Glee. It was an interesting experience to see a lot of strange couples doing a duet together. This is not a spoilerit's just random, Puck does not star in this show because he's apparently in juvie? WHAT? This is addressed in one line and nothing more is said about it.Very strange....

And that's what happened on GLEE!


Wednesday 10 November 2010


Over the past few years I like to think I've changed, in almost every aspect, personality, mannerisms, like and dislikes, appearance etc. the only one of these that is measurable is appearance. Stealing Claudles' idea of photographic evidence for change. So here are some photos of me other the recent years. Don't feel bad for loling I lol'd too.

                                             Have some sexy moustache work going on here.
                                                            Looking happy with curly hair?
Not really sure what is happening here? looking...I dunno...strange?
Hair may not be the norm at the time but still this one makes me laugh.
Probably a point where my hair was at it's longest, with glasses?
Looking cool, developing some form of style perhaps? (I don't know what i was thinking with the hair)
 Beginning to understand how to style my hair but before my acne meds obviously.
 Hair shortening, some beauty shoting going on here, but still little acne.(Wish I didn't have freckles)
Braces still on I think? See.. no smiles.
Beauty shot again, but developing fashion and sense of style. NO BRACES!(Need new shoes...) most recent

To be continued...?

On your own? SING!

Today has been dull up until the point I lost my Internet connection. Sounds odd but being afflicted with severe and almost crippling Internet withdrawal I decided to connect my laptop to my 42" LCD TV to play my new moosaks on(courtesy of the mysterious and ever "elegant" SLB). After almost an hour of listen to "big" music the novelty wears off, so our comes the hairbrush deodorant can and the homemade karaoke system has been born!

Singing along to music, performing for an invisible wall is surprisingly fun I must say. I would upload a video but I think I would have to miss going to school for about month to live it down. Not to blow my own horn but I am a pretty mean dancer; my singing is ummm...."fantastic". It's not a normal occurrence but it's a fun thing to do when you're home alone. To be honest I would love to be a great singer but I do not ever see that becoming a reality, and maybe there is a subconscious reason behind it. it's this time of the year that I get jealous of those who can sing and can perform well onstage. I envy them every year; this year, however, will be different. I will not care, I will be happy for them and their gift and I will enjoy their performances...I hope.

Well quite frankly i think this is a poor post and will probably try and redeem myself by posting later on but for now I shall sing poker face into my can of deodorant and try and stay calm for the physics practical tomorrow. So, my final word shall be to tell you to do a little singing today and pretend you're onstage with roaring fans screaming for you. It may be childish but being childish is what's keeping me immortal. Farewell for now.

                  This is an actual picture from tonight's events. I think I went the extra mile with the costume.


Tuesday 9 November 2010

Don't call my name.

Today I was asked a question. One that surprised me when I realised what my response was.

"If aliens attacked the earth, and the only way to save the planet was to give them 2 people from the following list, who would you choose?

1)Barack Obama
2)Stephen Hawking
3)Lady Gaga

As it turns out I'd save Lady Gaga. Barack Obama is just another politician in my eyes, he's nothing special; and Stephen Hawking is just another egg headed scientist; extraordinarily intelligent but who cares. Lady Gaga is the one with the soul of an angel, at least to me.

I was rather shocked at my own anger at my friend Mark when he started insulting the Gaga. I started defending her ferociously. I saw red when he made the remark "Lady Gaga is a man." HE KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT HER! HE HAS OBVIOUSLY HEARD SOME DEGENERATE SAY THAT ONCE AND HAS SIMPLY REPEATED IT LIKE A PARROT! I apologise the capitals letters were a bit much but still necessary. In recent I have discovered the surprising revelation that Lady Gaga is my role model. She is amazing. She's not just another pop starlet, or fashion suicide waiting to happen. She doesn't sing about stupid things, she doesn't dress for shock value and she doesn't forget about the public.

So many celebrities get carried away and become "celebrities", like they aren't regular people anymore. Lady Gaga can be spotted giving speeches at equality rallies, and has a volunteering program on her website where you can get tickets for her concerts. At no point do I claim to even start to understand some of her songs, and I doubt that anyone will ever really understand them unless she takes on some sort of protege. I wish I could understand her songs to a greater depth because I feel there is so much more in them for me to find; but my own interpretation is that her songs are designed for us to have our own interpretation of them and use them to our advantage that way for us to grow.

She pushed fashion past it's "elastic limit", into the plastic zone, where it will forever be changed and never return. Lady Gaga's impact on the fashion world is one that cannot be undone, but then again who would want that to happen. Personally I love fashion, even though it causes me so much stress. I hear girls say they hate boys dressing more like girls? This angers me to a supernatural degree. My main problem with this is that these same girls are the ones that go into topman and buy men's clothes and they say that it's different...This is not different, it's hypocrisy! Secondly, I see the gender divide in clothes and I wonder how it ever came about. At some point someone must have said " WOMEN MUST WEAR SKIRTS!", "MEN CANNOT DRESS EFFEMINATELY!" Trying not to make myself out to be a transvestite, but some gender is in biology alone, not fashion.
In conclusion, my role model is Lady Gaga for the preceding reasons. She is beautiful in every sense of the word, Mind, Body and Soul. Hopefully one day I will be able to see her in person, until then Lady Gaga will have to go without meeting me *pities Lady Gaga*.



The Magic has Gone.

The full story. I had written out a giant memorial dedicated to the recent passing of my friend Magic. The worlds most awesome cat that has been owned by me. It was full of emo-esque depth and depression. My firefox also died and as a result my post did not save and it was lost too. Time has passed and I have begun to heal. I miss my little cat greatly but I need to move on (not in an insensative way). Luckily you any/my few readers do not have to hear that post, one of lament and sadness. Instead you simply get this, whatever this is. I believe I will be reuinted with my cat one day and that's good enough for me. After reading "The Rainbow Bridge", my favourite poem on the death of a loved one which I shall post below, listening to some healing music, clearing my house of what she left behind and laying her to rest I am ready to move on.

  I will never forget you Magic.

                                             This picture makes me laugh everytime I see it.
                                     You ridiculous personality made me laugh a lot. Thank you.

             Back when you were a kitten, I didn't know how little time I had left with you.

    Do not stand at my grave and weep 
           by Mary Elizabeth Frye
Do not stand at my grave and weep;
I am not there, I do not sleep
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die.