Tuesday 30 November 2010

I am truely sorry...

Hello friends. As my title has informed you , I am truely sorry for neglecting you. I have been busy. Mainyl completing that darned ursula costume. it took forever and I still didn't get it finished. My underwear was showing most of the night and it didn't ake me happy. However it was wearable I suppose. Anyhow, there has been snow. I haven't been able to get into school the last 2 days due to it but I SHALL be going tomorrow. Apparently there some thing for UTV that I'm meant to be in for so meh. I have also finished my first draft of my personal statement. Took flipping long enough for only a maximum of 4000 characters(WITH spaces). That's another thing off my mind. Sadly another thing crushed me again last night. I have little over a month until my resits! I haven't got nearly enough done! That on top of the 2 tests in physics and biology I missed due to my "snow/slush days". I can't wait for stratford...resits will be over nothing apart from exams to worry about, not that that is anything small it's jsut \I prefer to worry about 1 big thing rather than lots of small things.

As with many students I am terrifed that I will into get into university. I had a horrible thought If I don't get any conditionals I think I will actually cry. Whether that's in public or not will be determined by my location only. The good thing however is that I'll probably just have a heart attack waiting for results and thus will never have to worry about university. I AM NOT WORKING IN THE FISH FACTORY ALL NEXT YEAR IF I DONT' GET INTO UNI!!!!! I am actually considering a few options incase i don't get a place at uni.
1)Move into mother's and go to belfast tech from her house every day
2)Actually move to belfast and go to tech instead of uni.
4) Do some random course from tracking that I will potentially hate.
5) Spend a year doing some form of volunteer work
7)Go back to KHS? AS IF! but it's always an option I suppose.
8) Go to another high school.
9)Work in the fish factory and inevitably wait for depression to occur closely followed by suicide.

There we have it. 10 viable options, some more morbid that others but sure. To lighten the mood here are some disturbing photos of Ursula's attendance of the Prefects Disco 2010!

 Nasty Ursula with the hatless Mad Hatter
 Ursula Exposing herself
 Pebbles and Ursula being naughty?
 Super Sleaze Ursula
Yet another glimpse of those wonderful stripy boxer briefs.

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