Wednesday 17 November 2010

Gravity Shmavity

Number 4: Reverse gravity

This isn't your normal zero gravity or even the old boring weaker gravity. This is FULL BLOWN REVERSE GRAVITY. Another interesting-life maker. First of all everyone who was outside would basically just fly off into space, those lucky enough to be inside or able to hold onto phone wires have a shot at survival. If the human race were to survive this, would it mean we'd have to start building our houses and skyscrapers downwards? Juggling would be a nightmare and a hole in your floor could mean death by falling into space. I wonder would airplanes still be able to fly and the world would be in ruins as the hot air balloon incustry collapsed. This isn't a fantastic one to write about but it really is fun to think about. We must however remember that the most important and by far the biggest dilemma we'd need to face is "how would we use watermills?!?!?" DUN DUN DUN! (Also helium balloons wouldn't be very much fun.)

                                                           Despressed clown balloon...?


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