Tuesday 9 November 2010

Don't call my name.

Today I was asked a question. One that surprised me when I realised what my response was.

"If aliens attacked the earth, and the only way to save the planet was to give them 2 people from the following list, who would you choose?

1)Barack Obama
2)Stephen Hawking
3)Lady Gaga

As it turns out I'd save Lady Gaga. Barack Obama is just another politician in my eyes, he's nothing special; and Stephen Hawking is just another egg headed scientist; extraordinarily intelligent but who cares. Lady Gaga is the one with the soul of an angel, at least to me.

I was rather shocked at my own anger at my friend Mark when he started insulting the Gaga. I started defending her ferociously. I saw red when he made the remark "Lady Gaga is a man." HE KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT HER! HE HAS OBVIOUSLY HEARD SOME DEGENERATE SAY THAT ONCE AND HAS SIMPLY REPEATED IT LIKE A PARROT! I apologise the capitals letters were a bit much but still necessary. In recent I have discovered the surprising revelation that Lady Gaga is my role model. She is amazing. She's not just another pop starlet, or fashion suicide waiting to happen. She doesn't sing about stupid things, she doesn't dress for shock value and she doesn't forget about the public.

So many celebrities get carried away and become "celebrities", like they aren't regular people anymore. Lady Gaga can be spotted giving speeches at equality rallies, and has a volunteering program on her website where you can get tickets for her concerts. At no point do I claim to even start to understand some of her songs, and I doubt that anyone will ever really understand them unless she takes on some sort of protege. I wish I could understand her songs to a greater depth because I feel there is so much more in them for me to find; but my own interpretation is that her songs are designed for us to have our own interpretation of them and use them to our advantage that way for us to grow.

She pushed fashion past it's "elastic limit", into the plastic zone, where it will forever be changed and never return. Lady Gaga's impact on the fashion world is one that cannot be undone, but then again who would want that to happen. Personally I love fashion, even though it causes me so much stress. I hear girls say they hate boys dressing more like girls? This angers me to a supernatural degree. My main problem with this is that these same girls are the ones that go into topman and buy men's clothes and they say that it's different...This is not different, it's hypocrisy! Secondly, I see the gender divide in clothes and I wonder how it ever came about. At some point someone must have said " WOMEN MUST WEAR SKIRTS!", "MEN CANNOT DRESS EFFEMINATELY!" Trying not to make myself out to be a transvestite, but some gender is in biology alone, not fashion.
In conclusion, my role model is Lady Gaga for the preceding reasons. She is beautiful in every sense of the word, Mind, Body and Soul. Hopefully one day I will be able to see her in person, until then Lady Gaga will have to go without meeting me *pities Lady Gaga*.




  1. I admire Lady Gaga for her equality rallies!

    You forgot to mention her amazing music videos ;D

  2. I don't see the problem with wearing the opposite gender's clothes.

    I wear guys' clothes, so why should they not be allowed to wear girls' clothes? It's stupid.
