Monday 15 November 2010

Life is boring...

I'm definitely not as depressed as my blog title would suggest but it is something that's floating around in my head. Recently things have been rather dull and I get the feeling that something big is going to happen (hopefully). Things are just plain boring; each day merging into the next like some sort of life mixing spatula...OK, maybe that's not the best analogy but what do you expect I'm BORED! I light of these events I have decided on to make a list of things that would make life a little more exciting.

Number 1: ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!!!!!!!!!!!!111
 Yeah, basically I think life would be more exciting if you lived in constant fear of being mauled to death and devoured by zombies. Think about it, it's everything you could ever want. Going round with your friends, killing zombies, trying to re-establish civilisation,raiding, living in anarchy with no rules, surviving on your own basic instincts, raiding, saving people, raiding, living in Asda and basically raiding it. Aaaaah, living the dream. OK, I agree it would be cool for a short time up until your friends get killed, you begin to starve or if you are Elizabeth, the disorganisation kills you; but sure it would be fun up until then...I think? Oh well at least there's a chance Doris Roberts might not make it, now there's the real plus side.
